Anyone else have a giant baby?

@washedinhisblood My baby was born absolutely average but jumped to 99th percentile during first month. Some people told me I was overfeeding and I need to stop nursing (??? And starve the baby?) well anyways I asked my MIL and it’s exactly how my husband was as a baby. I askes my grandfather and he said my dad was a giant baby. My older brother was so big and heavy that nurses in daycare refused to pick him up. So I guess it’s just genes. He’s 12mo now and still up there at 99th. Not fat, just BIG. Wears toddler clothes because baby clothes don’t fit anymore, he has arms like a wrestler. His head is almost as big as mine, he can wear my winter hats already.

In the meantime I wish your back all the best and if you’re thinking that your spine is going to crack and your arms are going to fall down, it gets easier when they learn to sit.
@mybrokenlessthenthree Yah, ours dropped about 8 percentile points and what I learned is that birth weight isn’t always the weight they should be at, so in the first few weeks after birth they might gain or lose a lot to ‘reach their genetic potential’. And then as long as they stay on that curve going forward, that’s probably their accurate height or weight (barring health concerns of course/assuming the pediatrician isn’t concerned).
@washedinhisblood Yes, we have a nine month old 95th percentile length, 50th percentile weight. He grew out of his Chico KeyFit 30 infant car seat that was meant to last until he was 2 at 7 months. He out grew his bassinet and bouncy chair so long ago, I can’t even remember the age.
@paulintexas Oh yeah that’s pretty similar to us! Our car seat is supposed to be up to 35 lbs but his feet are almost hanging out of it already😭 For our bassinet we got him this one that is crib size, when he was born he barley fit into the hospital one 😂
@washedinhisblood Wait I literally just skimmed over the part where you said he will be 4 months on the 7th 😮 that’s wild!!! is he breast-fed or formula? My LO is EBF and it’s so hard sometimes. I have no idea how much he eats. I just know it’s a lot 😂
@lgreen He was breast fed for a while! Then I had to supplement since he was eating so much I couldn’t keep up😭 It’s so hard to tell with breastfeeding lol it’s like they’re eating a lot and that’s all you can know!
@washedinhisblood My 9 week old was born at 10lbs 5oz and 22” long, still 99th percentile for everything. He was 16lbs 6oz and 25.5” at his 2 month appointment. Currently just moved up to 6-9mo clothes 🫠 It’s a very difficult to maneuver him around for feeding/burping, just carrying around etc, most babies have full head control at this size lol. AND, he only likes to be bounced on a yoga ball and only occasionally rocked for his naps.. like the whole duration. My back will never be the same.

ETA - I’m only 5’4 and my husband’s about 5’10, my first was big too (different, shorter father) but came 2 weeks earlier at 9lbs 6oz and 21.5”. I was 10lbs 3oz when I was born and my siblings were big too. Neither my mom nor I had GD. And none of us kept up with the growth past babyhood there is clearly just a very-large-baby gene at work.
@washedinhisblood My 6th month old is in the 98th percentile for weight at 21 lbs, 86th for height at 27 inches, and 74th for head at 17 inches around 😭 Im not sure how many oz she drinks as she’s EBF and has never taken a bottle but she eats every 4 hours! She’s just a BIG GIRL! And I just love the baby rolls! 😭💕
@washedinhisblood Me! Lol. My girl was born 9 pounds 22 inches and was in the 99th percentile, and she still is. She’s 8 months and I haven’t weighed her in a while but she was 24 pounds at her doctor’s appointment in November. She’s in 12-18 clothes. Meanwhile, her 1 year old cousin weighs 23 pounds 😜
@washedinhisblood My 7 month old is 30" long and around 21lbs which puts him in like the 99th/90th percentiles.

He was so big at 3 months that I took him to a baby group and they pointed me to the crawling babies area. We've had to transition out of the infant bucket seat already because it was getting awful to carry and lift into the car.

I keep seeing people posting stuff like their 18M olds wearing their 6M footie pjs or something and I'm like... my 6M old doesn't even fit in his 6M old clothes. I just got him some new 12-18M sleepers and I don't know how long they're even going to fit for. My husband is a little over 6' and I'm about a foot shorter than he is so I'm guessing he got more of the height genes from dad.
@washedinhisblood We had a semi-giant baby.

He was born just over 9lbs and stayed between 96-98% for weight until he was 2. He started thinning out a lot with walking/running/climbing and sprouted taller. He also started eating less as he approached his 2nd birthday.

I think he wore size 2T from 10mo until he was 2.5.
@washedinhisblood Oh now this is my kind of post. My newbie is on the bigger side. In the 98th percentile and her head circumference wasn’t even on the chart. It was 108 💀. 38 cm. And length was 95% Owie. She feeds for a good 30-35 minutes every 2 hours. Midwives love to come and measure her every week because she’s putting on around 100-150 grams a week. First week she gained 300 and a good couple cm a week. 3-6 month clothing 💀. The best though. She sleeps with us and I don’t have to worry about her having trouble moving her head to breathe. This girl is way ahead.

I dunno if it’s just me though. Because she’s so big I almost feel like I miss out on things lol. I don’t but I feel it sometimes, everything is moving so fast. She’s just under 4 weeks now and with support of us holding her hands. She stands up and takes little steps.
People say “ they grow so fast “ but for us big baby parents it’s way faster most have experienced 🫠
I want her to be reliant longer!! I don’t want her to grow up just yet! 😂😂😂
@washedinhisblood As long as the percentiles don’t fluctuate so much it’s fine, also once they start becoming mobile they can shed the weight. My son was 90th percentile at 5 months, then started crawling, standing up at 6 months, cruising for months 10 and 11 and finally walked by himself at 12 months and since then has been running around like crazy. He dropped to 70th percentile by age 2.
@washedinhisblood My girl was born 7lbs 5oz and now at 4 months she’s 17lbs+ and 25in long! She wears 6-9 tops and 12 month pants due to her chunky thighs, we’re already shopping for a convertible car seat because she’s so close to outgrowing her current one!