Anyone else hate working?

@liz555 Working is often a necessary "evil" (emphasis on quotations) for women to protect their financial future. Even if you hate it, it may be helpful to change your perspective on how working is essentially insurance for you.

I have two friends in precarious financial situations where working could have offered security:

Friend 1 has a 3 year old with her "life partner" (they've been together for 20 years, but on/off) but they're not married. She hasn't worked for 3 years and has no intention to return back to work. Her partner has his own business and plans to FIRE in less than 3 years with $2M. They share a house where she is on the deed, but his business is entirely his. They don't plan to marry anytime soon.

Another is a SAHM with a 2 year old and 6 year old who wants a divorce. She hasn't worked in 3 years but plans to return, albeit who knows how easily she can do this. Her husband of 10+ years is on the verge of losing his business. They literally cannot afford to divorce at this moment.
@liz555 Im working 50% right now coming back from mat leave. In my line of work it really means I do half the hours. It’s such a great balance. I wish I could stay this way forever…
@liz555 I was a SAHM for a few years until I realized I wanted to work. I like working better than being at home 🤷‍♀️ It probably helps that husband and I love our jobs and our time with our kids feels more sacred now that there's less of it. You could try being a SAHM if you can live off husband's income, but I would steer clear of the whole mommy blogger / influencer thing.

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