Anyone else have a giant baby?

@washedinhisblood When she was born she weighed 8 pounds dropped to 7 and stayed around that till her 2 month appointment where she finally weighed 8.5 pounds. Now she’s 4 months old and weighs 16.8 pounds 88th percentile 😭😭. I definitely have a bigger baby than most now haha.
@washedinhisblood Me!!! Our sweet baby was born at 11lb 11oz (and no health issues!) I’m 5’4 and my hubby is 6’1, both of us naturally thin. No idea how we made such a chonk but it’s the best. He eats so good!
@tracing Hahaha! I labored for 2 whole days and eventually was so exhausted I let my ob talk me into a c section. Best decision I could have made. I don’t think we would have made it though a vaginal birth tbh.
@washedinhisblood Yeah, we were in 12 month clothing at 4 months.

Just turned 19 months and is currently wearing 3T-4T

She doesn’t even eat a lot. I don’t get it

Edit to add: was born in the 50th percentile for length and weight and didn’t get to the 99th till about 6 weeks old. Then just wouldn’t stop growing
@washedinhisblood Yup, my baby is 97% percentile height. 8months old and wearing 18 month outfits. lol I'm 5'6 and husband is 6'2". I am only slightly above average but I guess husband is pretty tall.

I went to the library story time a few weeks ago and the 15 month old little girl next to us was smaller. He's a big little guy!
@washedinhisblood Both of my kids are pretty large. My oldest was EBF and just always massive 99th percentile for both height and weight. By a month old he went from 7lbs 15oz birth weight to close to 12lbs lol. He’s 10 now and still a tall kid.

My youngest had his well visit today, 8lbs 4oz at birth and at 4 months he’s 28 inches and 16lbs, not quite as chonky as my oldest was but he’s so long lol. He’s EFF from birth so I think they gain weight a little slower. It’s funny though because neither myself or my husband are particularly tall people so idk where it’s coming from 😅 I’m 5’7 and he’s probably like 5’9.