Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

@monkeym24 I miss it too. My oldest one just finished kindergarten and they had a “moving up” event which I feel like was a waste of time and I feel bad saying it lol. Everyone waited in the cafeteria for 45 minutes for the kids to get up on stage all together and sing songs for 10 minutes. They also had a vpk graduation last year at a nice hall and served dinner but it blew my mind they were doing all that for a bunch of 4-5 year olds. Our school said they don’t do other ceremonies till 5th grade so I have a while before another one but my goodness why do they expect everyone to take off work and go to these things? And then if you don’t go the kid gets upset because everyone else’s parents were there. I often got asked by my kiddo throughout the school year why I wasn’t coming to lunch with her when her friends parents were and we had to have a conversation about how some parents have the time and ability to do that and others can’t take time away from work and such to make it. It didn’t stop her from asking but I explained it to her every time.
@monkeym24 Considering they just pass the kids on's not even an achievement. Your kid could have done well and the kid next to them can't read, and they'll all be wearing that cap and gown.
@monkeym24 Kinder: I’m on the fence. It seems silly but if we have to do just ONE when they’re small, I’m fine with that being it. It is a big shift from half day kinder to full day big kid stuff.

6th: if they’re promoting to a new school, sure.

8th: same as 6th. I remember and enjoyed mine and felt like it was a shift from kid to young adult.

12th & beyond: important obvs, but doesn’t need to be the PRODUCTION that it is for some schools. Let it just be a simple graduation. No need to make it longer than necessary.