Anyone else have a giant baby?

@divad My girl was wearing 18 month clothes as 6 months a well, she was a chonk! She was only 50th percentile for height but 95th for weight. She fit the same clothes for over a year though, because she just got longer and didn’t gain much weight.
@washedinhisblood Too early to tell for my own pregnancy, but I do have a funny story! My cousin was born at 24 inches at a pretty rural hospital. She’s now 6’3 in her 20’s. Her sister just gave birth last year at the same hospital they were both born in, and a couple of the nurses came up to her like she was a celebrity and told her she still holds the record for longest baby born in their ward 😂
@leejames Basically the same here. 8lbs 5 oz at birth. Four months in 2 days and 20 lbs. He's not super long but he's in size 9 pants and I roll up the cuffs a little.
@victory1 Oh my god I can imagine bouncing those babies could give you quite the back ache. Mine is 2 months and getting weighed next week. He was 11 pounds at the 1 month appointment but he feels much heavier now, my arms get so tired holding him and I’m a strong girl!
@washedinhisblood Our 15 months old has been in the 95th and above for weight and height since he was about four months old and is wearing 3T right now. Sure there are much bigger babies than him. But it’s just weird because my husband and I are both small - 260lbs combined and neither is over 5’8.

It caused me to have two steroid injections for mommy’s wrist btw.
@aedmis Oh wow that’s crazy! Height genetics is so weird sometimes, like my friend that has two parents over 6 foot is barely 5’2. Ooo that sounds terrible 😬 Im sure that was painful, have ehlers danlos so I understand the wrist pain with them being so big
@aedmis My best guy friend was a giant baby and kid. Towered over all of his friends. The doctors told his mom he was going to be 6’5+. He’s only 5’9 now. Some babies just grow really fast at first!
@washedinhisblood My son is almost 9 months and last weight was 25 pounds. He's a giant as well. He's nearly the same size as his cousin who's a whole year older! My left arm/shoulder is JACKED lmao. He's in 18m clothes but i definitely need to size up in the next few weeks - they're like "perfect fit" right now. He definitely raises eyebrows sometimes but I love my little (for now) dude and I can't wait to have a giant teen that will eat me out of house and home.

r/bigbabiesandkids has good advice for things like car seats and baby containers
@washedinhisblood Yep, my 5 month old baby is almost 20 lbs and 28 inches long. Eats 6oz every 2 hours like clockwork (but thankfully sleeps through the night). Wearing 9 month old clothes, which he is starting to grow out of. Doctor said the ratio of his height and weight puts him at about the 50th percentile for BMI so no concerns there. Just a solid baby haha
@jm31fr He’s about 17 pounds but he had jaundice at first so he lost some in the beginning . Trying to find clothes that fit is terrible he’s growing so fast he has like 10 outfits that fit now. That’s what everyone tells me too is that he’s solid lol! I guess when everyone else your whole family had 6 pound babies mine looks like a monster baby 😂