7 weeks and all I want is a McDonald’s hashbrown

@mitchw This was me with my first pregnancy! Baked potatoes and (weirdly enough) Brussels sprouts until about 15 or 16 weeks.
This time around I wasn’t nearly as sick, but the cravings have been all over the place 🥴.
@mitchw Basically same...I've solely lived off of various forms of potatoes and dinosaur nuggets for the last...5 weeks? 13w2d today. Hardly anything else will stay down.
@mitchw Saaaaaame.

Then my midwife told me “better switch to sweet potatoes because of your BMI.”

…..why do we still look at BMI? Like for real.

Rude. 🙄😂

(Edit to add: I’m at 10 weeks and haven’t gained a single pound during pregnancy. I also lift weights seriously.)
@mitchw Potato skins have plenty folic acid. You may have been wanting for that :3

When I was pregnant a couple years ago I basically just told my partner that we like potatoes and we only like potatoes lmao it’s pretty much all I ate too. That and chipotle.
@orthodox4life I never ate McDonald's cheeseburgers in my life and during that first trimester they were one of the only things I could keep down, extra pickles and not so much as a whiff of onion. Bless my sweet husband if I texted him that I was having a particularly rough go or he came home to find me zoned out sitting bolt upright on the couch and breathing through nausea he would show up with said cheeseburgers.