3 weeks 1 day


New member
Hi everyone! I tested positive again 2 days ago on 8dpo (VVFL). Today is 10dpo and my first beta was 40.8! My doc messaged me and said it was very low but wants to see what it looks like in 2 days. From what I’ve seen on Reddit, 40 seems like a good number for 10dpo? But now I’m nervous because of what she said :(

This is my third pregnancy, first was ectopic at 6.5w and second was chemical at 5w. Hoping for a good number on Friday
@jessi1194 That’s a good number. You caught the pregnancy early. I was 44hcg at 4 weeks and it was doubling every 36 hrs. I saw the heartbeat at 6w3 days everything is looking great so far
@jessi1194 40 at 10dpo is not very low. Mine was only 25 at 12dpo. My clinic also said it was low but that it only indicated I was very early in pregnancy. Just had baby girl a few days ago.
@jessi1194 If it makes you feel any better mine was only 32 at 14dpo and I’ll be 8 weeks tomorrow- we have seen a heartbeat on scan 3x now ❤️ my dates are exact because I did IVF - not out of the woods but looking good so far 🤞🏼
@jessi1194 40 at 10 DPO sounds good to me! Are you sure they were not talking about your progesterone and just didn’t give you the number for it? From what I see, most posters (myself included) get their first draws around 14/15 DPO. If you’re doubling at 48 hours, which you can be doubling faster or slower, you’d be 160 by 14 DPO which is definitely not too low. The most important number after the beta to confirm pregnancy is your doubling, that’s what you want to watch.
@wedemars Hi thank u for the detailed reply! I’m on the patient portal so I can see results as soon as they come in, and they only ran my beta hcg, no progesterone. I think the only reason they drew me early is because of my history! They told me after the second time that they would be very cautious. I’m trying my best to be patient for Friday but I really want it to double!
@jessi1194 I think that is great for 10 DPO! I usually don’t even get a positive test until 11DPO. Mine was 25 at 15dpo( give or take a day) and I’m 7 weeks now with good ultrasounds and baby has a heartbeat!