@mooks75 Lol you don't just get to drop that you're part of a set of quintuplets without offering to do a special bromom AMA. I can't be the only one dying to hear your life story.
I'm part of a set of quintuplets.

I feel a sense of awe over that... like, I can't even imagine having the fortitude and strength to not just go through a pregnancy of that magnitude but to have 5 teeny tiny ones to take care of all at once. Hats off to your parents, but especially your mom, 'cause pregnancy.

Shit, I've only got two, they're widely spaced, and the eldest was easy-peasy for the most part. The young one runs circles around me and she's only the one. Can't imagine having 5 of her at once. :O
@semiprecious My truck driver at work has 6, I think. Maybe 7, I'm not sure. I grew up with 3 siblings, big families are normal to me. That dude was a jerk. Be upset, because you're right- your family is none of his business.
@semiprecious Don’t blame the hormones. Your anger is totally justified. You have good reason to be that angry. Those comments were hurtful and crossed more than one line. Geeze, I get angry when nosy old ladies look at my full cart of groceries and comment “glad I don’t have your food bill! Who you feeding, an army?” Uh no, not that it’s ANY of your business (feeding me, husband and three large sons).

My parents had 9 children (with no multiples). So we were used to getting the looks. Just ignore them. And good for you for taking in family. World needs more parents like you.
@semiprecious Definitely not unreasonable to get angry about that. He knows nothing about your situation. Honestly if I saw you out with your six kids I'd probably think you're brave/ crazy ... definitely not a life I'd choose...but it's absolutely nobody's business to make comments like that to you. He sounds like an absolute jerk. Good luck to you - sounds like you have a LOT of hard work bringing up those kids.
@semiprecious What do mean, you're unreasonably mad?! Lady, you are JUSTIFIABLY mad!! This is the problem with our society. Too many god damn self-righteous, self-centered asshats who have no shame in spewing out whatever the media and reality television feed them. Why can't everyone just be kind to each other for like, a minute?!

Fuck that guy. And for what it's worth, I personally am overjoyed and relieved that my tax dollars go towards programs that help your niece and nephew overcome trauma and lead happy, healthy lives. Also, it's wonderful that your kids-all seven-have you as a mother, because you are a fucking superhero. And we should all be relieved that there are seven little humans out there being raised well and loved hard, and someday there will be seven wonderful adults who will know how to treat people with kindness and respect.
@semiprecious Nope! You are reasonably mad! I’ve got 13 all together with 9 still in my house, I’ve been asked this question so many times by random people who can’t keep their words to themselves and I still don’t understand how they’ve got the gal to ask those questions to people they don’t know. Fuck ‘em. You’re being awesome, just go on and ignore those assholes.