Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

@lmd0137 If she has no other symptoms and doesn't ever get above 100 before tomorrow i think you can feel safe to send her.

Just some of my own experience, last couple of times my kids had unexplained fevers (over 100.4) for more than 2 days I took them to be seen by pediatrician. More times then not they had something that required medication. Multiple bouts of strep and another time ear infection. My daughter once her only symptom was the fever and she was positive for strep, she swore her throat didn't hurt.
@sanegirl My doctor doesn’t really want to see them with low grade temps unless it has been at least 3 days. Coincidentally, my kiddo’s yearly check up is scheduled for tomorrow anyway. So if her fever hadn’t cleared up, I was planning to just have her seen then.
@lmd0137 Glad the checkup is tomorrow but remember as the parent, you can choose if you feel your child needs to be seen, fever or no! This year there’s been a lot of weird symptoms for strep so a strep test could help. Lots of rashes and nothing else or fever and nothing else or peeing a lot and nothing else. It’s been a weird year for illnesses
@lmd0137 Preschool teacher here: if she’s fever free with good energy, send her to school. If you have the option to WFH, and be closer to the daycare, that can help. You can check in before lunch. Occasionally a kid who is on the mend will have a good morning, but start to fade as naptime approaches with symptoms reappearing.

Also, if you have a play-based preschool where your child can chose quiet activities like reading picture books or coloring if she gets tired, that’s more flexible for recovery than a more regimented academic preschool where everyone has to do set things at set times.

If it’s outdoor school or a field trip day, that’s a little different.At my program, we’ll do 2.5 mile hikes with a group of three year olds on field trip days. But the families know the health requirements for that are a bit different than a regular classroom day.
@lmd0137 Send her but tell the daycare what’s up just so they can monitor too in case things go down hill. We have been on the constant sickness cycle but in elementary school. Literally it’s been every week.
@lmd0137 If she's under 100.4 she's 24 hours fever free with no meds by tomorrow and not so miserable she needs 1:1 attention, so yes, I'd send her tomorrow.
@lmd0137 Agree with the others that if she's in a good mood, unmedicated and not a high fever, I would send her back if I were in your shoes.

And sending you lots of love for having spent the past three days trying to work and care for your sick baby
@fromofold Thank you! It’s been a tough week. Lots of snuggles during meetings while the camera was off and just desperately trying to keep up. But today she is doing so much better! Even though she is bouncing off the walls a bit, I’m still so relieved she is feeling better. Hard to watch her be so sad.
@lmd0137 Chiming in a little late here but when we’ve been in this situation I’ve sent my child, but had them wear a mask just to reduce droplet spread out of an abundance of caution for their teachers/classmates. And yeah, I know, preschoolers aren’t exactly mask hygiene champions, but I figure it’s better than nothing and the teachers seem appreciative.
@lmd0137 It sounds like she’s ready for daycare. Save your and hers sanity and sent her and don’t feel guilty about it. Honestly it’s better for her to be there and for you to get some work done!
@lmd0137 Yep, for a basic rule of thumb if it’s been 24 hours fever free without medication, they’re good to go. From a former daycare teacher, thank you for taking the appropriate time to let your kid feel better - we know that’s hard but we appreciate that SO much.