Would you send baby for settle sessions at nursery when there's a d and v bug?

@tali26 I feel this! I have a lot of anxiety related to vomiting and when I get these notices I always just want to pull my kids out. But ultimately, they don’t always catch the bug, and post covid most centres are really good with all their infection control protocols. I’d quietly check that they are supervising all the kids hand washing post toilet and pre-meals in an adequate manner during your visits, as that’s a pretty good indicator for me. Sometimes these things go round and round for week or months so if you delayed they may be still dealing with the same outbreak in August you never know! Ask them during settling visits what their decontamination procedures are, ie do they wipe down all the toys and resources, and how often? Also, I always make my kids wash their hand on pick up right as we walk out the door. I think that also helps. Good luck! The anxiety is pretty normal but your babe will love it, it’s so good for them. X

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