Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

@lmd0137 The daycare I work at is under 101.4 for 24 hours. We can keep a kid so long as they’re 101.3 or under, 101.4 is the send home point and what my state now defines as a fever.

She’s happily playing and not fussing? Off she goes. If you’re worried? Give her Tylenol beforehand and send some in with her with name, date, instructions of if/ when to give it and whatever else your daycare requires for meds.

Ideally, please don’t send us a sick, miserable kid (though technically, give your kid Tylenol and send them and we could keep them and let them lay down and chill if need to so long as they’re under 101.4).

But your kid? Fever is broken, she’s happy, she’s playing, she’s great. She sounds over it, past being contagious, send her in!
@roadtrippin69 Definitely wouldn’t send her if she is miserable! Promise! She’s been bouncing off the walls today. Refused a nap while she pretended to be Elsa at the top of her lungs the entire “quiet time.” Yep….that’s my kid.
@lmd0137 Honestly if it’s not any higher unmedicated and she’s acting like she feels well, I would probably send her.

My son has been home since last Friday with a fever/nasty cough/diarrhea/very sore throat. I also had a major presentation at a national conference this week because of course I did. It’s been a rough week. Today the cough is gone, his appetite is back and we’ve finally not had to medicate him. He’s about as playful as he normally is so tomorrow he will be going back to school. The weeks like this are fucking awful for my mental health. I’m already behind at work as it’s conference season and my colleague is on maternity leave so I’m covering her work as well as my own. It’s been so relentless.
@lmd0137 We would send with 99.5 and normal behavior.

Aside from medicine, I would give LOTS of fluids. Water, teas, watered down Gatorade, watered down juice, popsicles etc.
@lmd0137 You already have advice and a decision. Just here to say I agree with your approach. If she doesn’t have a fever in the morning and has not had any meds I would definitely send my little one to daycare.
@lmd0137 I follow the rules exactly as they require, and nothing more. Dollars to donuts my kid got sick from someone at school not following the rules, so I’m not putting myself under undue pressure because someone else couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum.

I’d be sending my child to school.
@rdenn14 That’s like saying ”I’ll go the speed limit if I don’t have a choice, but everyone else is speeding so why not me?”

Just because someone else does it doesn’t make it right or fair for you to do it…. Saying ”but SHE got to do it!” is terrible form in the ‘game of life’. It’s a BS justification that most parents wouldn’t tolerate from their kids. 🙄
@lajasha Yeah I have a job with the same shitty amount of pto as everyone else in my country, so I just don’t care.

I can’t stay home with my kid for an entire week every time he has a runny nose. The requirements are set at the level they are for a reason. If you want to pay for a nanny so I don’t have to deal with this, let me know and I’ll give you my Venmo.

ETA: I absolutely will speed if that’s the flow of traffic. So you’re the person going the exact speed limit, slowing everyone else down and ruining their morning commute? Nice.