Will I regret only having 1 child?

@fallingapart My siblings are irresponsible and cause me more stress than happiness. I avoid talking to them if I can. My husband’s sibling is erratic and he has no relationship with her at all. Having a sibling does not guarantee they’ll be a friend. Just provide plenty of enrichment and encourage friendships. Be prepared to be the hangout/ sleepover house lol.

I’m leaning towards one and done after having a traumatic birth and PPD/ PPA, although I always imagined myself with 2 kids. It’s hard to cope with but I remind myself that decisions don’t have to be made today. I can change my mind in a few years if I want.
@akemi Yes I plan on being a very active parent on that end. And your right I know I don’t have to make permanent decisions today and I can change my mind. I just have to remember that lol thank you for your input:)
@fallingapart I had one brother. He passed away 3 years ago. My heart breaks every day because I miss him so much, and I hate doing life without him.
Just because you have more than one child doesn’t mean they’ll always be there. Life is unpredictable.
@rambone I’m am so sorry for your loss. I too have a brother and I couldn’t imagine him being gone. My heart breaks for you. Grief can be so consuming. I hope he is with you when you need it most. 🙏🏼
@fallingapart I only have one girl as well and as much as i love her i wouldnt say im in love with motherhood. To me the last 3 years have been the hardest being a working single mom. I hated pregnancy, not sleeping, being over weight for a while. For me mentally i know i can only handle one. Im almost 36 tho and still single & at this point i would never start all over again at 40. Maybe 10 years ago. But thats where im at.
@fallingapart I grew up knowing how important siblings are. My siblings and I are still so close, so it was a super easy choice to want more kids.

Things are also easier as they play together a ton, and help each other. But, I also appreciate that they are less likely to feel alone in adulthood. I know of too many adults with no sibling relationship that feel they are missing out.

That being said parents have a big part in fostering a good relationship between siblings. That commitment is worth thinking about, as it does take effort and time.

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