Why is Everyone Sick all the Time?

@shotmike You just have to live through it, sadly. Whenever they’re introduced to a school setting, it’s normal to expect kids to get sick about once a month. This could be when they’re infants if they start daycare or kindergarten or any time in between. It does get better though!
@holmb1gn The kicker is im a sahm and my kids are too young for school. They go to church nursery once a week with about 15 other kids for 1 hour but that's it.
@shotmike I’m honestly not sure. My kids have had some runny noses and a mild case of hand foot and mouth (minor rash, gone in about 24 hours) since last spring. I have twice felt like I was getting a scratchy throat but then it went away and no illness ever materialized. No fevers, no bad coughs or ear infections. But last year? It was back to back, non stop. Lots of fevers, colds that turned into croup or ear infections, upset stomachs. They had rsv, adenovirus, parainfluenza, everything. We have gotten flu and Covid shots but have not really been doing anything else preventative. I think we’ve just caught everything.
@7thunders I think it's also going to be really interesting to see what comes of this huge surge in bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory infections among kids right now in China. WHO is already saying "immunity debt," but IMO could just as easily (as far as I can tell there are still no studies proving the immunity debt hypothesis) be saying - this is what happens the first winter after the entire population of a country gets covid.
@7thunders A new study was published in September of 2023 which used Danish data to investigate whether there was a rise in hospitalizations for non-COVID diseases after COVID infections. The authors don't find any evidence for a relationship.

Of course, that's hospitalizations. But I find it hard to believe that a substantial increase in immune damage wouldn't produce hospitalizations.

@7thunders The truth is the majority of people who took the vaccine have destroyed their immune system making them more susceptible to really anything. The vaccine seemed to also cause any pre-existing conditions that may have been stable to become very unstable.

I'm sure most of you here took it and have noticed changes in yourself and the people around you as much as youd like to deny it.

From my experience the people who have the most boosters have had COVID the most times and seem to be sick with anything the most often. Also taking much longer to recover than usual. Basing this from my family, friends, and the company I work for (about 150 techs on the road and another 50 in the office).

The Pfizer documents that were forced to be released listed over 100 serious side effects alone.

BTW downvotes don't bug me. If you feel the need to downvote me for a simple observation you've probably noticed what I'm saying yourself and just can't deal with it.
@7thunders Or maybe its the fact the government sprayed the populace with extremely dangerous and toxic chemicals that are being transferred to offspring and loved ones as well as into our soil and is constantly then being recycled and re rained down onto us finally turning its head? Its the cause of the uptick in genetic conditions the last several decades, which in turn makes you more susceptible to illness. Its why we have people in their 100's fit as a fiddle and 20 year olds dying from the common cold. When they sprayed for mosquitos and ticks and agent orange, both are still very high concentrations in the soil, the rain, and the populace. Our elders were already developed once afflicted, its the kin that need to worry. The whole reason people are having these bad reactions compared to others is all BECAUSE of their genes after all. Everyone wants to blame climate change, but nobody wants to bring up the fact these chemicals are the biggest reason for our animal and plant life depreciating. Its raining down on them too. Nothing on this planet HASNT been touched. Now how could we possibly be healthy? We are all tainted. Its a big reason why they are going for DNA based treatments, they know its due to changes in genetics from the toxins they emitted but won't tell the public that. I know some people who are top dogs at the CDC, they are keeping this from the public, they've known all along. Its why when you go the genetic route you get no help. We were able to trace my EDS in my family back to my grandfathers agent orange exposure.

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