Everyone is getting pregnant!

@yakdip I feel for you!! I’m surrounded by pregnant people and thought my timeline would make me the first (TTC in June) but within just the month of January, it was very clear I have become further in line in my family and friend groups with 4 announcements.
I feel grateful for my timeline. But I also don’t know if I feel sad because I’m jealous or want the attention and now I’ll be behind/in their shadows. I’m just trying to find peace in my own timeline.
@innas Yup same. My fiancés sister is due to have the first grandkid in the family in a couple of weeks, and
like 4 couples just changed their rsvps to “no” to our wedding in May and let us know it’s cause they’re either due around then or will be too pregnant to travel. Also trying in June..I thought I had my baby fever in check, oh well.

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