Why does it seem like dating as a single parent is impossible?

@iowa52241 Yea I believe that too. Sometimes it just feels hopeless most people give you the time of day to get to know each other or they judge you off your looks cause they have a specific type that they feel they need to find before they can be happy. It’s just frustrating sometimes
@iowa52241 Lol I had given up for 4 years but I figured why not give it a shot again. So far I have been highly disappointed in people and wondering why I thought this was a good idea 😂😂
@tess14 I liked someone’s expression: I am ready for someone to break my heart again.
Kinda true! I had a brief dating experience after 2 years being single and it ended very sudden so I was left wondering. Then I just accepted and gave up. Maybe for another 2 years 😂
@iowa52241 Sadly in today’s society that’s kinda true though. I’ve been ghosted more times then I can’t count just when you think you met a nice dependable person they are gone no explanation nothing it’s sad
@tess14 You do definitely have way less time and energy for bullshit. But babysitters for evenings out. Definitely tell them about your kids but no contact with them for a while.
@whycalvary Oh no I have a 6 month minimum rule before I let anyone meet my kids just because I don’t need to put them through getting attached to someone then them not working out and leaving
@whycalvary Yes exactly 😂😂 but you know people don’t understand that it seems lol. Since I started to try dating I been ghosted or just told it ain’t working because they would blow my phone up constantly and then I finally get a minute to answer them like a half hour later and they are like yea no this ain’t gonna work out or I get the typical oh how many people you talking to response. It’s like no I have kids a dog and house that I gotta clean up after all the monsters destroy it lol
@tess14 8 and 13
Oooooh.... so yeah.. you really can't just up and pick up the phone when you want. You'd think anyone who had been around kids that age even if they didn't have any of their own would understand though. Doesn't take much thought to know that, you'd think. Lol Dare say you dodged some bullets there
@whycalvary Yup I hear ya lol. If it ain’t the kids into something it’s the dang dog. Or they boys are picking at each other and trying to a have a wwe match in their play room 😂😂 if you want you can message me instead of us going back in forth in the comments :)
Personally it took 5yrs for me to finally come across someone it works with. I've dated single dads too thinking that would be best, but nah. It's a matter of goals, personalities and maturity.
I will say I learned how to be happy being alone, just me and my kids. Learned how to give time to myself to be myself. You won't always be alone, but it looks good on you when someone comes finally in and sees you've taken care to love the life you have.
@tess14 I gave up after, in the same month, I was called "damaged goods" "used trash" and told I was only useful in being their brood mare (popping out their kids).
These were all different people.
@newguy1990 Same. Not even single dads who have the every 2nd weekend. Been there. He didn't get it at all. His kids came over and played playstation the entire time and he always cried poor because he pays $100 week in child support... ffs no dude you don't relate to raising them on any level!