Why are pregnancy clothes hideous?

@linlee lol i still wear my usual vibe clothing i just went from crop tops and shorts to long skirts and fitting dresses, maternity clothes arent that cute so im determined to keep my style 😭
@linlee 30 weeks and I've just bought bigger sizes non maternity! The upcharge on maternity clothes is crazy!

I love Ross and TJ Maxx!! Due in August and I live in the humid South, and I've been finding soooo many sundresses and long flowy outfits for $25 and under!
@linlee Omg thank you! I'm having the same issue too. I found some good ones on Poshmark for pretty cheap and I got some good results from Stitch Fix when I requested clothes that would work with my bump but I could also wear after (I figure if I'm going to spend more money than I'd typically like to on clothes, I better be able to wear it for more than a few months). Otherwise I keep recycling outfits that keep working for me, dresses that can stretch and a jean jacket. That kind of thing.
@linlee Haha I actually love maternity clothes. I am not a big fan of the jeans, but I am loving all the adorable maternity dresses and rompers. I think all the cuts with empire bustlines are really cute. I basically just found a bunch of cute things on Amazon. For me, ordering a size or 2 up of normal clothing would not work. I'm having twins, so if I did that, I'd have to do it another like 5 times, since I am going to keep growing and be huge. I'm only 13 weeks byt have an obvious and somewhat prominent bump already, so I can only imagine what 20 weeks or 30 weeks will be like. At least maternity clothing has more room for growth than normal clothing.
@linlee Yep you’re 100% right. I’m actually trying to avoid buying “maternity” except for non negotiables — jeans, some leggings, jumpsuits, etc. Everything else I’m just going up a size and prioritizing stretch, in hopes of also being able to wear when non preggo. I also went through my closet yesterday and organized by things that can still work in pregnancy and things that can’t. I found a surprising amount of stretchy dresses and skirts, tops and sweaters that can work with them, and so on. The selections out there are crazy — good luck!
@linlee I loath maternity clothes. It’s all HIDEOUS. I bought a couple things my first pregnancy like maternity leggings, bike shorts, and overalls and then just went the ol’ oversized route for everything else. It was the pandemic so it didn’t matter but this time I have 4 weddings to go to. I am dreading trying to find something 🫠
@linlee My go-to was secondhand, going up several sizes, and skirts skirts skirts (high-waisted). It’s a lovely maternal vibe, and I feel awkward in anything else now (40+6 🙄). I tried to choose only items under $10 so I won’t feel bad about spending so much on such a temporary problem.
@linlee I know what you mean. I work in an office and my favorites are all now too tight as I have been finally managed start to gain weight. So far I have pop off two buttons from me bloating after lunch. I am really struggling with not feel frumpy or messing looking as I like looking presentable. Today I gave up and brought some legging that are styled like pants and hope that the comfort will help.
@dlc I work from home so I’m lucky, I couldn’t even imagine having to worry about looking professional on top of being comfy 😭
@linlee I am so jealous 😩. My work could easily be done from home for the majority of the time with coming in to collect records and make payments...sadly it will never be...
@linlee What pisses me off is most websites dont use pregnant models, they use strap on bellys on people who are size 0 with no boobs (not shaming small boobs at all, just ponting out it's not a true representation of the average pregnant person)

Also stop with the smock dresses. Unflattering when not pregnant let alone pregnant. Again maybe its a boob problem for me. Some people pull off anything!
@linlee Can someone who has worn their regular clothes address how stretched out they got?

It doesn't make sense to buy a bunch of maternity clothes, but it also doesn't make sense to stretch out my regular clothes and have to buy new ones after baby anyway. Thanks!!
@dalmasy I attempted regular clothes or just upping a size or two, but the cut wasn’t right. The tightness in the wrong places felt terrible and already being uncomfortable in my skin made it impossible to wear, especially for pants and some dresses.

This time around I’m buying shirts in my husband’s size (he’s an XXL) so it’s not going to waste, and maternity pants/leggings are 100% worth the investment. I wore mine for a few months postpartum and they’re the most comfortable articles of clothing I own.
@dalmasy I’m still pregnant but they seem to be holding their shape fine like after I wash them they don’t look stretched. I posted a comment on here with links to stuff if you wanna look!