Sleep consultants can FUCK. RIGHT. OFF. (Part 2 - The follow up)

@cupoftea OP has anyone recommended this resource for you?

it’s a library of evidence based studies and findings about infant sleep. Iirc it basically shows that babies sleep really “badly” and this is totally normal. Our kiddo slept “horribly” for the first two years and this data saved my sanity -just knowing that it’s in fact normal and we hadn’t done anything to mess her up.
@cupoftea I feel this is the case with so much parenting advice nowadays. The last person’s preferences considered are ironically the baby’s! Every time I go against my instincts based on internet advice, it backfires. Sometimes babies are just crap sleepers. Some adults are crap sleepers. I am a crap sleeper. My husband is a crap sleeper. Somehow we were surprised that our baby is also a crap sleeper. Honestly the best thing for me has been to just lower my sleep expectations. And also try to maintain whatever routine makes the sleep situation the least crappy (as it seems you’re doing.) Every now and then we get a unicorn all nighter and it feels like a magical surprise. But most days we exist in the House of Crappy Sleep.
@cupoftea I have to say I read your original post and only just saw the update which says you're in Australia so I'm shocked. You can get a free sleep consultant through the council if you contact your MCHN which is what we did. I found her incredibly helpful and she continued to tell me how I know my baby best, so I'm really sorry to hear that you had such an awful experience!
@cupoftea The way the world is these days, it’s so hard to lose sight of following your gut and what is best for your specific child.

Obviously there has been new research or studies but people have been raising babies since the beginning of time and here we are.
Keep hanging in there and doing your best!