[RANT] Teacher said my child (nearly 7, M) has the emotional maturity of a 2-3 year old. Fuck her

@faithfamily We are Canadians, but it doesn't sound like we're talking about the same school... God, that means there are more of them out there. And I know there are, I just hate to think of it. Put it this way -- she was there as Mr. R. when my dad was in grade eight, as Mrs L. When I was in grade three (and in that case actually physically shoved a textbook into the belly of a boy she didn't like, leaving a bruise, it was horrid, and no, she wasn't fired)... I think the sad truth is that when you look back at school, there will always be a great teacher you never forget (looking at you Mr. R. From grade nine, Mrs C. From kindergarten and several others) and there will always be at least one thundercunt whose asshatery is so spectacular that it ends up burned into your brain forever more. Sad, but painfully true. Goddamn public school system is a mess.
@bangmegafan My grade 7 teacher threw a 3-hole punch at a girl's head...

...missed, thank goodness. To be fair, we did our share of provoking him as revenge. He also threw his chair across the room when we gave him the silent treatment.

And yeah - the public system is a mess, but I attended a fancy private school for a year, and my Dad only went to such; he can tell you horror stories.

Authoritarianism is authoritarianism, no matter the pay-grade. ;)