When did your period return?

@lesonal Mine took a full year you may have a few normal cycles you may skip a few cycles and maybe get two period if the irregularity persists after a year definitely talk to your doctor !
@lesonal I was on a high estrogen pill for 10 years, didn’t have a period for the last 6 months on it. Took me over a month to get my first period and it was really really light. My doctor told me 3 months to let it regulate, and then another 3 to see if it stays regular. So give it approx 6 months to figure out if there are any issues. 🤦‍♀️🙄 TTC Dec / Jan.
@engedi Aw that sucks. Wishing you luck on this cycle journey! It’s so different for everyone, which is very frustrating I think.
I was on a progesterone only pill for health reasons, and had no periods the entire time. I loved that to be honest. But now I’m really hoping it’ll return soon.
@lesonal I had the Nexplanon, which is also progestin only.

I had a withdrawal bleed within a few days. That kicked off a 49 day anovulatory cycle, per my chart using TCOYF. I'm on my second cycle off of it now, CD14, and strongly suspect I'm about to ovulate based on the signs my body is giving me and what I remember of my pre-HBC cycles.

That's pretty well in line with what's expected when coming off of a progestin-only method, that it takes 2-3 months or cycles to normalize.
@lesonal I decided to quit the pill 3 months beforehand as well. I was on the combined pill and finished up the rest of my pack and had my normal withdrawal bleed. After that, I started using TCOYF and tracking everything and possibly ovulated CD20 (according to the book rules) before starting my period 31 days after my withdrawal bleed. My pre-birthcontrol periods were around 30-33 days.. so it looks like I'm right back around that.
@lesonal I’m going through this right now! I had been on the pill 10+ years, combo pill and doctor advised no pauses as I am cyst prone. I had a withdrawal bleed and now I am on CD48, waiting, waiting, waiting for my period to come. It’s quite a frustrating wait!
@lesonal Was on HBC for 10 years. Ovulated 2 weeks after I stopped, and had a regular period ~25 days later. Cycles were very regular, 27-29 days after that.
@lesonal I was on the mini pill for a year, came off middle of February as I was reacting quite negatively to it and we are planning to TTC in January. My period came back in the middle of March (31 days later). I have PCOS but have been taking supplements to manage this 😊