I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies

@katrina2017 Yeah they’re all different. Baby X might be a boat riding, overnight sleeping, food munching sensation. My baby happens to be just a baby and I think she’s amazing. I mean have you seen how babies kick their little legs and have you heard all the wonderful little babbling sounds they make?! It’s lovely to just enjoy the babiness of them.
@olasunkanmi Right! I feel the same way. So happy your baby is bringing home the soccer championship, mine is just thrusting toes in the air at all times and I’m living for it. That’s enough to satisfy us
@katrina2017 Right, even the pediatrician said that we shouldn't start her on solids until she is sitting up on her own. Mine is 4 months and not sitting on her own. She has the strength but not the coordination. I'm sure some babies are, mine isn't yet. But also mine is pulling herself up to stand already and holding herself there with her own strength, again she doesn't have the balance. But many other babies aren't doing that yet. Every baby is different and has advances in some areas and lags in others. So yeah road trips, solids, sleeping through the night is all variable depending on each baby.
@thehunted My four month old isn’t sitting either. I am dubious of reports of it being typical at this age. It’s listed as a 6+ month skill but you wouldn’t believe how many people I’ve heard say that their baby sat unassisted at 4 months. I’m not saying it’s unheard of, just not very common.
@charity78777 Or some parents feed their baby solids anyway “because it helps them sleep through the night” earlier. Cool story people. I’ll keep my baby alive, I don’t mind being tired that much.
@charity78777 My FIL likes to compare my son to all of his kids. “Oh this kid was taking by now.”
“Oh this one was sleeping thru the night by now.”
“Oh this one was…” and so on. The man is 63 and post stroke. He was saying my SIL was speaking and saying names by 3 months old.
@lenka I got a 'hi" at three months old. It was an accident but it was so darn cute. She sounds like she is actually trying to figure out talking now at 4 months but isn't that close to talking.
@thehunted My nephew said Ann at a day old while I held him. I don't care that it was accidental and not really what he was doing. He said my name and clearly he was so advanced for his age. It doesn't matter that my name is basically a grunt and he was probably gassy.
@charity78777 “How nice for them”.

Then stop talking. Change the conversation. Find a polite reason to leave the room.

It’s up to us to define our boundaries. People will always push them. It’s just human nature.
@charity78777 Ugh the boat thing!!!! I have been a boater my whole life. I had a pretty traumatic birth experience and needed 4 blood transfusions.

I didn’t go down to my dads boat until my baby was 10 weeks old, it was actually our first outing that wasn’t a walk around the neighborhood or a doctors visit. And we didn’t take a ride, we just had a dock party.

I was feeling pretty good about it and proud of myself for coming out to hang out…
My dad goes “well you know X had her baby down here at 10 days old!”

Like great dad, thanks for making me feel like a piece of shit. I couldn’t even sit down by myself at 10 days postpartum, and didn’t even leave the hospital until 5 days postpartum so not sure how I would have even managed that.
@bstjepan I totally feel you. We live in a rural fishing village, with commercial and tournament fisherman. Almost EVERYONE who grew up here is hardcore salty. My husband is hard core salty. He’s been running a boat since he was 8-10 years old. I’ve been boating since I was about 4, offshore fishing since I was 12. Me and husband have fished in tournaments together. Summer weekends here almost always are taking kids to the shoals to play on the beach. AKA boating is life. We have been made to feel like she “missed out on her first summer.” (She was born May 28) But my husband and I both really want to wait until next year. Heavy boat traffic can cause sudden and dangerous wake, even on a calm day. This summer was blisteringly hot at nearly 100 degrees every day for a month. The idea of trying to load and unload a baby into a boat from our dock is terrifying to me because it’s not a floating dock. So, so many variables. The couple we know who took their newborn on a boat ride did it on short notice on an unseasonably cool weekday evening on a saltwater river that doesn’t get wake for like 15-20 min. They literally probably just had time to snap photos. Which is awesome for them. But our boat is docked right off of an inlet to the Atlantic Ocean. No trees, no shade, high traffic, etc. Totally different situation. But the comments still made me feel so shit. Like if I could have just sucked it up and made us both miserable to accomplish the same, it would have somehow made me a better mother in their eyes.
@charity78777 No way! My baby girl was born April 27th and I can totally relate to the “missing out on the first summer thing! Ugh there are plenty of summers that our baby girls can enjoy the water and find a love for it. It’s important to me and I’m not just going to suddenly not want to go down to the river anymore after “skipping” one summer.

And okay so my boating is wayyyyy different than yours (river life on pleasure boats)….I can’t even imagine trying to navigate your type of boating with a baby and can only imagine trying to feed, put to sleep, play, etc.

It’s like why would I want to put myself through the stress of all that??? It’s from our own “village” that we hear these comments too and it kills me.

Hugs🤍 you are doing what’s best for you and your family and you are doing a great job!