What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium Ours is 3,5 years old.
No nap during weekdays due to school, they’re not allowed to nap anymore at this age.
Nap from +- 12-2 during the weekend.
In bed by 7.30, asleep by 8.30 during the weekend, weekdays 8.
Awake anywhere between 6-7, but by the end of the week he gets more and more tired so he’ll wake up later, sometimes around 8.
@geranium Our son is almost 2.
He wakes up everyday at 7am sharp. Sometimes he falls back asleep until 8 or 9.

He takes a nap somewhere between 1130am and 130.

He's ready for bed at 730 every day regardless, sometimes we are lagging and get him down later.

I dread the day he doesn't nap. Some days I don't know what I'd do without and hour break from him at least 😮‍💨 Toddlers are exhausting.
@geranium 20 months. Wakes up between 6 and 7, naps from 12 to 1.30, goes to bed about 8, falls asleep sometime between 8 and 9.

She's at nursery 4 days a week, but I try to follow more or less the same schedule at home - sometimes naps are earlier or later at home depending on what we have on. I wake her from her nap at 2.30, or after 2 hours, but I rarely have to do either.
@geranium 2 years, 3 months.

Up ~7a. Naps from ~1p to ~3p (just copied how daycare does their naps).

Start the bath ~715p, in bed after reading around 815, asleep by 9-915.
@geranium Almost 4 wakes up at 6:20 during the week, crap shoot on nap during day care and routine starts ar 7:30p. Weekends wake up around 8, nap at 2 consistently until 5 and in bed around the same time.
@geranium Where all these long naps coming from 🥲 my girl is 20 months and dropped to one nap at about 10m. That nap window starts at about 9.45am and she sleeps for usually 1hr and that's it til bedtime at 6.30ish. We have tried moving it, mainly so we could join a dance class in the morning but during our 3 week trial period we had hell given that she missed her home nap time but refused to nap later even though she has a lunchtime nap at nursery twice a week.
@geranium She will be 3 in July

Sleep 8-6:45 (we let her sleep in on the weekends)

Nap 12-1:30 (at daycare) 1-3 (weekends)

If we have something going on we will skip her nap and she is usually okay but at this point she asks for a nap and to go to bed
@geranium 2.5 yr old

Wake at 7am
Nap at about 12:45pm - 3pm (lately she doesn’t actually fall asleep til about 1:30pm)
Bedtime 8:30pm (doesn’t fall asleep til about 9pm)

My child has always gone to bed a little later. We’ve only recently worked down from 9pm bedtime. Slowly creeping it forward or adjusting for the rare occasions when she doesn’t nap during the day. Lately she’s been waking up a little early. Not sure if that’s due to longer days of the summer or cause we’ve moved up bedtime.

We use a Hatch Rest for facilitating our bedtime, nap, and wake up routines.
@geranium I don’t mess around with bedtime lol I need some peace and quiet in this house!

Mine is 3

She sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30ish

Nap from 12:30-2/2:30 (have to wake her to pick up another child).
@geranium My daughter is almost 3, in like 3 more months. If she naps, it’ll be around 9:30 like you said, and it’s a big fight, and then i get really no time to decompress before my own bedtime at 10/10:30. If she doesn’t nap, she will also start getting overly tired around the evening time, but she usually gets a second wind and powers through. And now that we’ve been mostly nap-free for several months, she’s mostly gotten used to it and does pretty good most days. Even with some crankiness, i still prefer no nap because she’ll pass out cold at like 7:30 and then i have the whole evening to myself