What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium My almost 3 year old wakes at around 8am, naps between 12-2 for anywhere from one to two hours, and goes to bed at 8pm. My older child is almost 6 and we had to cut naps out when she was around 2 because if she napped at all she’d be up all night. Literally all night. She’d get crabby as hell and tired around 6 for a few weeks with no naps but eventually she got used to it and would wake up at 7am and go to bed around 7pm
@geranium 3.5 years old

Sleep: 8:00pm - 6:00am
(Bedtime routine from 7:00-8:00, actually asleep by 8. Morning wake up ranges from 6:00-6:30, usually sleeping in when we need them to be up and up early on weekends🤪)

Nap: quiet time starts around 12:30 (in their room, lights off, sound machine on, no “noisy toys”). Usually sleep between 1:30-3:00pm.
@geranium Newly 3
Naps from 1230-130 - whether she sleeps or not is her choice
If she doesn’t nap she goes down at 630 and usually sleeps until 7
If she does nap she goes down at 730 and wakes around 7

I think the big thing for us was realizing that she needs about 11-12 hours of sleep a day between nap and nighttime

Edit: she also isn’t at the point where she can handle not having a nap yet so in an ideal world we’d love her to take a 30 minute power nap but it doesn’t always work out that way…
@geranium 15mos

8pm-8am, then naps from 12:30-2:30pm

We dropped to 1 nap after she had a pretty bad regression. That did the trick and it’s like clockwork now. She likes her beauty rest.
@geranium If he goes down in the morning and naps an hour or two hell go to bed 7 or 8 ish but still wakes several times a night. Gets up 6 or 7

Any nap later than 2 or that lasts beyong 3 bedtime is a write off.

He is just short of 2

My eldest sleeps 12 hours a night and has done since 7 months. But she dropped naps at 14 months.
@geranium My 3 year old doesn’t nap when she’s home with us on the weekends (she basically has to at daycare with their schedule) but at home she’s fine to skip it, and completely passes out at 7 pm.
@geranium 22 months. Bedtime is 7/7:30, sometimes she doodles in her crib until 8 (by doodles I mean she’s just playing/singing to herself) wake-up is anywhere from 6:30-8 am if I’m lucky. Nap is anywhere from 12:30/1:00 to 2:30/3:30 !
@geranium 2.5 years.
Usually awake between 7:30-8:30. Naps around 1:30-3. In bed around 8:15; falls asleep anywhere from 8:45-9:15. She loves to just hang out in bed for a little before and after she falls asleep. (Still in a crib so I know that probably won’t always be the case when she’s in a regular bed lol.)
@geranium My toddler (23mo) has been on 45 minute naps since at least 20 months. If we let her nap longer she’s up until 10pm. On a regular night she goes to bed at 8-830 and is up for the day 530-630. She’s also up at least once, usually twice a night as well. Both of my kids are low sleep needs.
@geranium When my daughter turned 2 she stopped napping her 30 min naps. This made her bedtime go from 8;30/9:30 to 6/7 . Wake up 7;30

She turned 3 a couple of months ago and wake up is around 7-7:30 and bedtime in winter is 7 isch and summer 7:30/8 isch. Mostly falls a sleep in 5-15 min.
I must say I prefer the longer stretches in the evening than having a break when she took 30 min catnaps during the day. And this works perfectly for her too .

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