Toddler plates & bowls - Plastic? "Bamboo" (aka melamine)? Actual bamboo/wood? Something else? What does your family use?

@zenbible That's good to know!! Microwave isn't a huge deal, since i don't microwave plastic either so plastic doesn't have an advantage over SS in that respect. I suppose porcelain does. Thank you for the link!
@tobiahjude99 It’ll be way cheaper to go to an Indian/chinese/Asian store and look for steel plates and utensils there. Everyone in India uses steel plates and there are small sized plates, bowls, cutlery for kids.
@tobiahjude99 I bought Corelle plates for the whole family and we all just use those. They are glass but nearly indestructible anyways. And if one ever does manage to break (I've had them for years and hasn't happened yet) they are really affordable so I could easily replace it.
@christfollower1993 I was disappointed with the Elk and Friends ceramic/silicone plates. They're super tiny and got scratched to heck in an under a year with light use. Ended up switching to Ahisma stainless for better size and hopefully longer life span. Our Elk and Friends straw cups are still going strong though.
@hansos Sectioned plates!! Woo hoo!

Long reply.... I was planning to drop sectioned plates entirely around now (2yo). I was insanely horrible & picky about food tOucHinG and of course I fear training him into my bad habits. So shortly before his 2nd birthday, I put all the sectioned plates in a box.

... And now I REALLY miss sectioned plates, for only just specific meals :( like yogurt. Or dips! So I have changed my mind. Section plates like anything else are handy in moderation.

So I do want sectioned plates for him too! Just one or two would be nice. :)

Anyways that's nice to know!
@tobiahjude99 Yes, we use regular “open” Corelle plates for most meals even at 15 months, but sectioned plates are great for condiments, etc.

I love Corelle because they can be dropped and don’t break, are triple glass, made in the USA, non-toxic, etc. All the lovely things!
@tobiahjude99 They use our regular porcelain(?) plates. Maybe it helps that they are very heavy? I imagine that if he threw it a lot, I would just take the plate away and give them their least messy food items straight on the table. Never been an issue for us though.
@tobiahjude99 We never used kiddie plates. I broke more plates in the first years of her life than she did. (I think I broke three? And she accidentally dropped one.)
@tobiahjude99 We got 2 sets of metal camping plates. They’re about the size of a little kids plate. They’re great, lightweight, indestructible, easy to clean. The kids are way past toddlerhood now & we still use them frequently as backup plates. Also great to take in the backyard without worry.
@tobiahjude99 I know it’s seems like a pain to clean up broken glass, but my son has been using our porcelain plates and bowls a bit before he was 2. He’s broken 2 glass cups accidentally and hasn’t broken anything in months. He’s very careful because he knows it can break.
@tobiahjude99 We use porcelain plates in a small appetizer size (Crate and Barrel aspen plates) and small snack-size glass bowls (Duralex, very sturdy!). Nothing has broken yet, and when the kids are older we can still use these dishes!