What time does your toddler who still naps go to sleep?

@geranium 2 year old here. He wakes up around 8. Naps SOME days for 1-2 hours around 1-2 pm. Never let him sleep later than 3 pm. In bed by 7 and asleep by 7:30. He doesn’t nap every day but he does get at least an hour of quiet time every day.
@geranium She’s 3
I feel like our schedule is kind of chaos lol
She wakes up about 7:45-8:30 AM
We’re mostly nap free unless we do a big activity during the day like going to the playground or beach so nap time would between 3:00-4:00PM
Goes to bed around 9PM
@geranium 2 months shy of 3.

School days:

6:20 a.m. - wake up

1 p.m. - 3 p.m. nap

8 p.m. - asleep, or trying to be.

Weekends -

6:30ish wake-up

2 p.m.- 4 p.m. nap

8-8:30 p.m. asleep, or trying to be.

She does not want to nap as early at home, and it's been an ongoing issue, so we don't push it quite as hard as we used to because she just doesn't seem sleepy enough. The magic of school's peer pressure and playing hard in the morning I guess makes it easier!
@geranium 3.X

Wake up around 8/9
Nap time 1:30 (strict 4-5 hour window based on ATTITUDE lol) - 3:30 / 4
Bedtime 9:30

I’m pretty flexible with wake up and bedtime but she sticks to her routine more often then not. This is entirely based off of how she operates on a day to day though. It took me months after 2 to relearn her “cues” and we settled into this routine. If u were to drop her nap as many suggest she would be off the walls and when we did try it with an early bedtime she was up at 5 which doesn’t work for the household schedule. When she’s ready to drop a nap (aka staying up during the entire thing) then we can.

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