What the F just happened


New member
So a little lead up. 7 mo We haven't done any sleep training. I have tried getting baby to fall asleep on his own and it's worked a couple of times. If Im home we mostly nurse to sleep or my husband bounces him on the yoga ball to sleep. And we co sleep at night. He mostly does all of his naps in his crib and he sleeps the first part of the night in his crib albeit with frequent wake ups.
Anyway I've noticed lately that when my husband comes home from work at night and gets in bed my baby has been waking up, He moves around, smiles acts like he's ready to play. Ive been letting him move around some to see if he's trying to find a more comfortable position then trying to nurse again and when that doesn't work I put him in his crib so he can be awake in a safe place since Im still tired. This happened this morning at 4:30am. After a bit in the crib he usually starts crying so I give him a few minutes to realize he's tired and I nurse him back to sleep. This morning he went back to sleep around 5:30am. But this morning he woke back up about 30 minutes later. I figured even though its 6am now he is still supposed to be asleep so I put him back in the crib again he starts crying again and this time I give it a bit longer. After a few minutes I pick him up and start rocking him, he's still crying. THIS is the part that really gets me. After a few minutes of me rocking the baby my husband sits up and motions for me to give him the baby and I do because I've been at this since 4:30. I leave the room and once I notice the crying has stopped I go check and I find my husband playing with baby! WHAT THE F! If I wanted him to be awake and playing I would have done that. Baby and I are now in the play room having awake time. I can't just take him to play every time he does this. We will be up all hours of the night. And no Husband did not have intentions of getting up out of bed he apparently had 1 goal which was to stop the crying. Baby lasted 20 or so min playing and then got cranky due to being tired and went back to sleep at 8am. A little more context, the crib is next to my side of the bed. We live in a 1 bedroom apartment with an office, the office is baby's play room due to the rest of the apartment being too dirty thanks to our 2 dogs. Also I did change his diaper at one point. And before you ask I have no idea if he is teething. I don't see any teeth. Everything has always gone in his mouth and he has been drooling since 2 mo old, actually the drooling is less lately. The only consistency I've noticed is when Dada goes to bed baby wakes up.
@richard05 What happened? Sounds like your baby got woken up and had a hard time getting back to sleep so his dad played with him for a bit. I don’t think anything about that sounds inherently wrong or dysfunctional. I guess i would focus on what you guys can do so baby doesn’t get woken up when your husband comes home.
@richard05 My husband comes to bed later than I do, and I find sometimes when he gets into bed the movement can partially wake our LO (15 months). I've read that their sleep is lightest in the early morning hours, I think like 1-5 am? Is it possible to have your baby closer to you or in his crib when your husband gets into bed, and once he is settled bring baby back? If not, perhaps if the overlap from him getting into bed and your wake up is only a couple of hours, he could sleep on the couch until you two are up then he can go sleep on his own?

As for him playing with baby instead of consoling him, that just comes down to communication around why it's not a good idea and how it affects the rest of the day.
@richard05 Your husband is also doing his best. I’m having trouble seeing what he did wrong I guess. Your kiddo still went to bed? I know it sucks and you can’t do it every time but he just did what he thought was right.
@tacobeans1234 Piggy backing off this for one my baby is ready to go at 5:30/6am every day so this doesn’t seem like a weird wake up time. Also I think your husband is just trying his best to make everyone happy by keeping the baby from crying seeing as you were struggling with that situation. Sometimes when my baby is super upset from being over tired often making him giggle and laugh quite literally knocks him out. I’d rather my baby laugh to sleep than cry to sleep.
@tacobeans1234 Agreed. My baby did this sometimes and that’s exactly how I handled it! Baby and I cosleep in a separate room from dad, so he wasn’t involved and this is still how it went. Sounds like your husband was listening to baby’s cues!
@richard05 Oooooh I feel you. My husband did this in our first few weeks of parenting. I chewed his ass out and he literally cried because he thought he was doing the right thing. 🫠