Well it happened

@jc4me I tell people like this flat out that they shouldn't ask people about their reproductive plans. It's none of their business but they won't get better if you don't tell them. (oh and in my experience, of course it's always men 🙄)
@jc4me We are OAD by same circumstances and I’d love to find a good one liner to retort back. I’ve used, “well, it took a lot of science and magic to make this one, so it’s not happening again” but some people are clueless enough to think that’s an invitation for “you never know” crap.
@jc4me I’m so sorry for your losses, and congrats on your daughter.

TW, pregnancy loss: I had a miscarriage and a chemical pregnancy before having my son. I spent my entire pregnancy full of anxiety, overanalyzing every single movement, checking the toilet for blood every single time I used it, thinking that I was going to lose him too. When I was 32 weeks pregnant with him, he stopped growing. I was induced at 37 weeks and even though he came out alive and screaming, he had several birth defects and will probably be delayed for life. I think it’s fair for me to not want another one. People still tell me that I will (or should) change my mind, even when knowing what I’ve been through. I even had NICU nurses hint at me about trying for a daughter while my son was there, hooked up to equipment. Some people just won’t care regardless.
@mayu001 I and so incredibly sorry for everything you’ve gone through.
When k was pregnant with my daughter that’s exactly what was happening to me. My second miscarriage was in public. So when I got pregnant with my daughter I would get anxiety or panic attacks thinking of leaving my house. I ONLY left for Dr apts and that was it. I was miserable. I knew I never wanted to be pregnant again.
Then hearing I can’t was almost a relief honestly. Most people who use carriers are upset and sad. But I had a different experience, glad to not have to be.
@jc4me I really want to start saying all the reasons why you shouldn’t have another to people like this! Just start saying how much they’d regret another, it’s basically the same thing back to them! I don’t think I ever actually would say that but all the comments about how you’ll forget and want another one or you can’t just have one really annoy me.