Birth story: unplanned c-section. Help me understand what happened. (TW: birth trauma)

@boby777 You got both of you out of there alive and safe. That doesn’t mean those decisions you made or the aftermath of that is easy but you did it and you should be super proud. In the old days so so many women and babies died from childbird as it is a dangerous and vulnerable time.

I also had an unplanned c section. I was initially disappointed as I wanted the ‘natural’ experience. I’ve now accepted that it just didn’t work that way for me. Having a ‘perfect’ labour can often just be a stroke of good luck that baby is in right place etc. The reality is that nature can be cruel and unforgiving and labour is a reminder of that. I am now super thankful of modern medicine. My only regret now is waiting 20 hours to get an epidural.
@boby777 I have a very similar experience. I felt ashamed that I had "given up". Its hard in the few first months with all your hormones racing. Recovering from labour and the section was brutal. I came to peace with it but it took a few months. Now it is just a fact and a part of my birth story and I am proud of it.

Regarding next time (VBAC or RCS) I hope you are supported for what you feel is right for you. I was at first set on a VBAC for the "redemption" factor. But realized quickly that this entirely ego-driven, and not the best decision for me and my family. Good luck OP and big hugs

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