Well, the moment I’ve been dreading happened yesterday

@smash89 Your feelings are SO valid and I hear you ❤️ I’ve been praying each month I’d see two lines.. but it hasn’t happened yet (we’re at month 6, I’m sure the wait gets even more painful 😔) All the while I keep seeing fb pregnancy announcements, my friends are having more babies, etc. It frickin’ sucks. My brother and his girlfriend accidentally got pregnant and it rattles my brain how it can happen so easily for some.. especially those that didn’t have a baby on their list. My husband and I have never been more ready.. yet here we are. Just praying it will happen. I’m with you! I hope you get your two lines soon ❤️
@smash89 Totally feeling this. Hugs to you. This made me tear up. You are allowed to feel this way.
I haven’t been trying nearly as long, but my life has never come easy and this is the one thing I thought and prayed would- and it didn’t. after my dad dying, mom having cancer, an abusive ex relationship, and dealing with crippling anxiety and depression- I find myself constantly asking when I can catch a break- and why are these things happening?! But I think maybe life needed to teach me another lesson- patience. And maybe I’m meant to help someone else get through tough times, because I didn’t have anyone. I really hope you get your positive and everyone else on here too. 🤍
@smash89 Ugh I could have written this myself. My husband and I had been trying for 3 years got pregnant/ told our families then lost the baby and within 2 weeks got the announcement that my brother In law and his wife of 5 months were pregnant and due around our due date. It was heartbreaking. Basically they got pregnant and had two children while I had two miscarriages and finally a live birth. It’ll get better. Hopefully
@smash89 Sending you love! I'm 39, been trying for 6 years + and learned that my little cousin (13 years younger) is now trying.

My mom said she will probably be pregnant before me...I'm trying to mentally prepare for the announcement.

I hear you.
@smash89 What a beautifully written post 💜 You perfectly captured how many of us are feeling. No, you are not selfish or unkind, and nothing about infertility is fair. But I always tell myself that luckily, pregnancy isn’t a zero sum game, other women getting pregnant doesn’t interfere with my chances, and one day it will be my turn.

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