What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

@hotinco For the first few years all of them hurt, I took all of the unsuccessful months personally. Now after 8 years I’ve done a lot of soul searching and healing on the TTC process.

I’ve come to accept absolutely none of it is in my control and if it happens it happens.
@hotinco Oh boy

1) First fertility consultation
2) First Christmas after starting fertility treatments
3) Hitting 6 months of Letrozole
4) First failed IUI
5) Making the IVF Consultation appointment
@hotinco This post broke my heart… but I understand completely and know where you’re coming from. For me, the hardest part has been seeing all the people who started trying after us get their happy ending, while we’re still over here trying every month to no avail. My history is just one big sad story (complete molar pregnancy which I had never even heard of until it happened to me, had to take 6 months off after that, then had a chemical in the fall. Did my first IUI almost 2 weeks ago and I just have that gut feeling it didn’t work). It’s such a tough journey. Here’s hoping we get our happy endings soon. Don’t give up hope (I know, I sound annoying), but it’s all we got right now ♥️
@mnfaith I teared up reading your comment. Thank you for validating my feelings and sharing a bit of your story. Wishing you strength on this journey 💕
@hotinco I was in denial this first year, after that I finally accepted it and it got tough. Turning 35 really spun me up. Our last failed cycle before starting IVF. People talk about the time warp that was the pandemic, TTC is like another time warp racked on top.
@hotinco Well, we jumped straight into treatment due to social infertility. So the failed ER really sucked considering I was told I had 80% chance of a healthy pregnancy. Sucks when medical intervention doesn’t work 🥴
@hotinco Not specific times… Realising that if we had got pregnant when we started that child would be in school. I know someone who has conceived and given birth to two children in the time we have tried for one. I know someone else who conceived at the same time as me on the first pregnancy we had and that child can now walk talk and dress themselves, so I’m watching in real time what I could have had.
@hotinco Other people I know getting pregnant and having babies while I’m still trying, hurts every time.

Anytime I hear about an “accidental” pregnancy

When we passed the due date for the baby we would have had
@hotinco 9 months because the friend I had a beer with before we both started trying had their baby

Turning 35 and getting low AMH results on my birthday

Packing for the vacation I originally canceled because I would have been in my third trimester

My moms visit which was originally planned to help me set up the nursery and I’m still not even pregnant

It hasn’t happened yet but if I’m not pregnant by the due date of the baby I lost it will devastate me.
@hotinco My struggle has been more about the non-TTC milestones, although the 6, 12, and 18 month marks sucked, too. My first birthday when TTC was exciting, we were just starting, I was ovulating on my birthday, wHaT iF??? My second? Ughhh, it's been over a year, I'm doing all this testing, it wasn't supposed to be like this.

Rinse and repeat for Christmas, hubs's birthday, now our anniversary next month. We're approaching the end of cycle 19? 20? and it just keeps coming.
@hotinco We’re 20 cycles in and I’m just now getting really scared. Every test has come back normal, I ovulate regularly, but my OB confirmed PCOS through v. ultrasound and also found stage 2 endometriosis during my excision lap in December. I’m supposed to start letrozole next month, but I’m not sure it will help given that I already ovulate.
@brandonlewis Letrozole helps! I just found out I have PCOS m, and apparently the issue there is that you get a ton of follicles each month, but they might not actually mature & ovulate a good egg. I took letrozole days 5-9 this cycle and am now in the TWW.

if you’re already ovulating, it basically helps your follicles mature- if they get to be over 10mm after the letrozole, they’ll keep growing and have a good chance of ovulating, but if smaller they’ll go away. I think if someone’s not ovulating on their own, they prescribe letrozole for earlier in the cycle, but if you are, you start it on day 5
@brandonlewis This is my exact struggle.

19 months TTC, PCOS. Husband’s SA is fine, we both even lost 30 lbs and I’ve confirmed ovulation with my monitor. Yet I’m still not conceiving. My OB told me she’d prescribe Clomid/Letrozole but I don’t know what difference it will make. It’s also just so disheartening to have to take it. It makes me so angry with my body. ❤️ Sending you love