House shopping meltdown: anyone else struggling with the milestones in the way of TTC?

@fruitb I've seen forecasts nationwide that show a slight price drop and interest rate decrease. The next year should be more manageable than normal in most markets.
@rda The only risk in these times is if the banks tighten up lending requirements in their approval process. There hasn't been anything big yet, but from some other subs I follow, some banks stopped small business lending, they pulled 0% apr promo offers on credit cards, and Chase won't lend to anyone without a full 20% downpayment. Chase doesn't do much mortgage lending to begin with, so I read that shouldn't affect many people at all, there's just a chance defaults rise and other banks follow suit
@fruitb Yeah, we live in a hot market, but my fiance works remotely (so we can live pretty much anywhere in the US with reliable internet and a reasonable distance from an airport). We've decided to move to a lower (well, more average) cost of living area so I can stay-at-home for a couple of years. If we didn't have this ability, I don't know how we'd manage. Even moving to somewhere where homes are more like 300k instead of 600k+, we still have to save aggressively (he was prioritizing retirement, and I don't think pulling from his 401k is prudent right now). I hope your market cools down so you can find something!
@fruitb To be fair, we’ve checked houses off our list for not having a garage that fits my car— it feels like somewhere I’d definitely end up having frustration and potentially resentment build up never being able to park in my own garage.

But also, hinging even discussing when marriage and kids will be coming on house hunting so beyond unfair. House hunting is ridiculously stressful and often heartbreaking in itself, let alone when you have a chain of other life goals relying on it. I’m really sorry. I think talking to your partner and asking to at least have a tentative plan in place based on the fact that you’re house hunting now. There’s also nothing wrong or even unusual with being engaged WHILE house hunting
@zianizinou So, we actually had a stroke of luck and ended up having an offer accepted on an amazing house on Friday last week! We move in on May 22nd! (I should probably updater the post)
@fruitb I feel you! I’m 31 and we finally got a house after getting involved in several bidding wars. We also are in a hot PNW market and wanted a house to come before babies (with a goal to get a house this year and start TTC next year).

My husbands big want was a newer build with a garage and I wanted location with charm. What we learned was that new construction comes at a $150k+ premium over a cute home with potential in a nice area.
My husband is really grateful we didn’t end up overpaying to get his wish list even though it will mean investing some money into modernizing this house (and getting it baby ready).

I’m not sure how much research you’ve done but pulling up our “requirements” in a home under sold homes over the last 6 months and toggling features on and off really helped us understand what our wants would cost. Also doing some research on what creating those “wants” in a home would cost. Remodeling a kitchen can cost anywhere from $3k-$60k depending on needs and fanciness; adding a garage starts closer to $40k. Garage ADU is more like $120k+.

In a hot market more compromises are required. You really have to decide as a couple what your true “must haves” are that you can afford. Once you’re super aligned you can move fast. Part of our issue at first was that my husband grew up in newer homes that always had garages and were updated. I grew up in ok outdated homes with garages used as storage units haha. You’ll figure it out, just takes work.
@fruitb I completely sympathize with your situation and know how frustrating finding a home that meets all your requirements can be in a hot market. It took us 6 grueling months of house hunting before buying our home last summer. Leaving work to look at a house the day it comes on the market, offering over asking, and still losing to cash offers is soul crushing. Home ownership is hard in itself, and we didn't make it easy on ourselves. We bought an older home pretty much "as is" in order to be in our hot neighborhood. We have already done a lot of renovations, including adding a new roof and carport (none of the houses in my neighborhood have attached garages), and honestly I'm sickened at the amount of money we have spent on this house. Not going to lie, I kind of regret not moving further out to a less desirable area and buying a brand new house. The commute would suck ass, but I do believe life would be easier. #endrant

So, given you are 33 years old and you will not be buying a home overnight, why not start trying now? Your husband sounds like mine, who believes we will start trying and poof! I will become pregnant that first cycle. Educate your husband on the risks of advanced maternal age, and explain why you are concerned. Since his truck is a huge factor complicating your search, maybe he will be willing to budge on his timeline. If the truck is too big for one garage, it will probably be too big for the next one and the search could go on longer than you anticipate. Since your timeline for buying a house is unknown, maybe try to compromise with him and set a designated date to start trying, regardless if you find your house or not by that date? That way, even if it's a year down the road and you still haven't found your house, you can start trying.. don't let the house dictate your life! I truly wish you the best and hope you find your dream home quickly!