What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

@painkiller Just because you have a peak ovulation test doesn’t mean you ovulated. Are your cycles normal? Do you have a rise in your body temp? Do you watch your mucus? You can get kits that show progesterone rise which confirms ovulation
@hotinco When I knew I would not become a mother before 30. It was on cycle 6.
Then my MMC right before Christmas. It was my cycle 8. I'm still a mess even if it's been over two months. We had Christmas gifts for our family with little PJ for the announcement. The only thing missing was the US photo.
The next one will be not having a baby in 2024. If I don't get pregnant this cycle or the next one, I won't have a baby before 2025. I try not to think that if I don't get pregnant soon, the timing with my job will be horrible. I don't think we will have a baby in 2024 since it took us 8 cycles to conceive the first time.
@jperez Oh man, I remember looking at the due date calculator at the beginning of a new cycle and realising that ~if~ I got pregnant this time, I'd be due after my 30th. That hit hard. My 30th is just over a month away and I just know it's going to be horrible mentally.
@hotinco Oh boy.
  1. Miscarriage after getting pregnant after 3 months of trying. I'd just found out my best friend was pregnant. She was due 3 months before me. Her kid is now 2. I constantly compare my would-be baby to her son.
  2. The first year anniversary of trying
  3. The year anniversary of my 1st miscarriage- I was CONFIDENT I'd be pregnant by then.
  4. 2 year mark
  5. 3 year mark is approaching in May
@hotinco The 9 month mark was rough, considering your chance of getting pregnant before the dreaded 1 year mark is dwindling and your per cycle chance take a nose dive after that. And that over 80% of people my age have already gotten pregnant. And also the dreaded “unexplained” diagnosis.

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