What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

@hotinco I’m on my 9th cycle of TTC. This cycle and last cycle have been especially hard. I think it’s bc I’m getting closer to the one year mark and I know that will be tough. I’ve decided to try IUI or IVF after one year since I’m older.

Like you I’ve tried basically everything you mentioned and none of that has worked. There was no issues with HSG/US. My AMH was on the lower side. I’m going to get my hormones tested early next cycle.

I’m getting sick of testing- the hope and then disappointment. This is the last cycle I will test before my period.

I’m at the point where I don’t talk to any of my family and friends about it bc I’ll probably snap if one more person tells me you’ll get pregnant when you least expect it, don’t stress about it, or you will always be an aunt. It’s not helpful, especially when these ppl who are saying these things get pregnant so easily.
@hotinco The one year mark was were it hit me for the first time.

I started a master program just to pass the time because it felt like my life was on hold while trying to conceive. Well it looks like I'll be graduating before I can have a baby. 🫠

All of the influencers I've followed since my mid 20s have kids now.

I'm looking forward to milestone where my nosy coworker is no longer convinced I'm pregnant because I don't drink alcohol. It's been over 2 years of me not drinking. She's daft but I have faith she'll figure out I can't be pregnant for 2 years straight or if I was pregnant at any point, she should not be bringing it up.
@hotinco 6 months was hard. I was so glad I made plans for a spa day and nice dinner afterwards with OH to take the edge off.

But tbh I found Mother’s Day and Father’s Day a lot worse than the actual time spent trying if that makes sense.
@hotinco I think 6 months was the first hard milestone. I was so sure well I have to be pregnant by 6 months. Now that I just hit 1 year it’s really making me sad. I just keep wondering when it’s going to happen for US. Me and hubby just got all the initial testing done for the RE. We see him at the end of the month to discuss a treatment plan. I’m investing so much money to try to find out why and it’s really hitting me that we’re the 1/8 couples who struggle with infertility. It’s making me question so much. I always wanted 3 kids but now I’d be thrilled to at least get the chance to have 1 🥺
@hotinco Honestly the 13 month mark was hard for me because I was holding on to hope that cycle 12 may have just been the month for us! But alas… still trying at cycle 15 🤷‍♀️ BUT I have changed my mindset now and I’ve let go of holding onto the duration and telling myself we are all just here trying to roll a 1 on the dice… and some may roll a one and that’s great for them. What I have realised is that it doesn’t stop me from rolling my 1 though so I have hope!
@hotinco My hardest milestone was the HSG. Not because of the procedure itself (though that was rough too) but it was my first procedure other than lab work and I remember laying on the table thinking "Wait, how did I get here?" Even though I had gotten labs back with low AMH and high FSH by then, that's when it hit me that it was going to be a journey.
@hotinco First Mother's Day hit surprisingly hard.
Hitting the one year mark and realizing we've crossed over into "infertility"
Coworker announcement of pregnancy, in a small 10 person work place

I think those were the big ones for me. Obviously scheduling the appointments and the consults were also a bit of shock
@hotinco Last month was our "anniversary"... It's been 4 years. I think about it, quite often, but it's not the same pain it was. Seeing my BFF's baby boy grow (2 months old in a few days) is quite difficult, she "only" tried for 10 months, having many "first times" with him (as his godmother) is sometimes difficult, even if I love this little cutie to the moon and beyond. I always pictured myself being the first mom of our friends group, since I always knew I wanted to become one.
Comparison is the worst.
@hotinco We started TTC after an early MC that rocked our worlds in Aug 2022 we were NTNP so the pregnancy was a little shock but definitely not unwanted
We only told 2 of my friends and my parents about all of it and they were very unsupportive
2 weeks after the MC everyone found out that BIL(16)’s GF(15)was pregnant

So the things that have destroyed me since TTC:
Despite trying to be supportive every milestone in BILs GFs pregnancy
Every milestone of my nephew’s since he was born
Every holiday/birthday
Passing my due date without a baby
Other so many ppl younger than me getting pregnant no problem
Passing the MC anniversary/hitting one year trying
Not getting a single positive after those first positives

A lot of things are hard I think the worst is having no one for support or anyone I can turn to other than my husband 😞
@hotinco For me it’s always holidays. I just realized I have one more chance to have a baby by next Christmas. Which is unlikely at this point. I don’t even want to celebrate holidays until I have my own little family to celebrate them with.
@hotinco I’m almost 5 years in… I think the worse was 3 years ago when we started IUI then again when we started IVF and those failed also. My last (2nd) ivf hit the hardest. After that I ditched my fertility specialists and went to an endometriosis specialist even though my fertility specialists kept on gaslighting me that my endo wasn’t severe or cause of my infertility. My endo specialist diagnosed me with stage IV - very severe advanced endo. I had surgery 2 months ago. We have hope again but if it doesn’t work this year I’m giving up all this heartbreak cannot continue much longer and need to move on.
@hotinco I think no matter where you are on your journey these milestones we hear about everywhere really dig deep. I’m only on cycle 6 tech, I don’t count the few months coming off BC where my cycle was regulating and I wasn’t ovulating. I know this cycle is going to hurt because like you said 75-85% of couples conceived after 6 months. Sending love to those who haven’t been trying so much longer. No stage of this is easy.
@jesus_rules [sup]Sokka-Haiku[/sup] [sup]by[/sup] [sup]Buenobunnylarmy:[/sup]

Accepting the fact

That I have to go down the

IVF route was really hard

[sup]Remember[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]one[/sup] [sup]time[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]accidentally[/sup] [sup]used[/sup] [sup]an[/sup] [sup]extra[/sup] [sup]syllable[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]that[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]Battle[/sup] [sup]in[/sup] [sup]Ba[/sup] [sup]Sing[/sup] [sup]Se?[/sup] [sup]That[/sup] [sup]was[/sup] [sup]a[/sup] [sup]Sokka[/sup] [sup]Haiku[/sup] [sup]and[/sup] [sup]you[/sup] [sup]just[/sup] [sup]made[/sup] [sup]one.[/sup]
@hotinco I’ve been TTC for 2 months. Not very long I know.

BUT the doctor basically said it’s a formality to wait 6 months to come in for testing because I have significant scarring on my ovaries, and am not even ovulating most months. I know it’s not going to happen, but I have to keep trying and stay optimistic until I can see a doctor. It’s very disheartening.
@hotinco I am also moving to cycle 8 and really struggled with months 4 and 6 like you. The holidays were also especially hard. My birthday is Monday and I know that will be an extra sad one for me. We have a referral in for a RE but they don’t have an opening until June, so we are just waiting for that now. Every month after 6 months just puts more and more fear and sadness into me.