What I've eaten today...

@kxl Mini wheats, which are no longer working their poo magic :(, chicken strips and mashed potatoes, 2 slices of lemon pound cake and I can smell my MIL cooking bacon...
@kxl Slightly over half of a fruit pizza and the rest of the salsa with chips. That was the last 4 hours. Before that, I had vanilla greek yogurt with blueberry granola, coffee, and some of the fruit that would eventually go into the fruit pizza.

Later, SO is making brats and haystacks (green beans wrapped in bacon) per my request for Packers gameday!
@kxl I can't wait til I'm at the point where I'm eating more again. Today all I've had is peanut butter toast and a container of itty-bitz(like dip n dots at home if you've never heard of it.. It's awesome!) Now I'm trying to think of something yummy for dinner...
@kxl I definitely started the day with cold sesame noodles for breakfast, because I left them in the fridge and sunday breakfast at the hospital is pitiful.

PB&J with milk, orange juice and pretzels for lunch.

I need some vegetables as dinner. Oof.
@kxl Waffles almost ended my world this morning, I decided I just had to have chocolate chip eggo waffles for breakfast. I had to go in to work at 12, so I woke my husband at 10:30 and asked if he would go to the store and buy some eggo waffles (among other things). He put it off and put it off, and finally left for the store around 11. Well it's Sunday, which is the busiest day of the week at the grocery store. I needed to leave by 11:45 to make it to work on time, and my husband didn't get back until... you guessed it--11:45. So not only did I not get waffles, I ended up having to eat stale Cheerios since that was all we had for food in the house. I was NOT happy. All is better now, as I had my waffles when I got home from work, but that about ruined my day.
@kxl This thread makes me so happy.
Blueberry muffin, 4 tangelos, popcorn, tortilla chips and guacamole, carrot sticks, grapes, 4 brownies, and left over cake from my shower yesterday.
I will probably try to eat more protein for dinner but who knows.

*edit well now reading all the responses I need vegetable lasagna so that is whats for dinner
@kxl I made stove top hot chocolate this morning! It was so amazingly good! Except then I didn't want to eat other things so I only ended up having an avocado for breakfast, and some prunes and a beef stick for lunch. Dinner is baked Parmesan coated chicken chunks topped with Italian dressing, served with roasted acorn squash with maple syrup, brown sugar, nutmeg, and butter.
@kxl I've had a bowl of cereal. I really want a frozen burrito but the closest Kroger is 20 mins away and they are the only place that carries the brand I am craving.