I almost lost my 4 y.o. Today

@hisvictor This may sound ridiculous, but when our kids were young the psa “dumb ways to die” launched in Australia. We watched the commercial several times together because we thought it was funny, and it became an ongoing conversation in our house about safety, ie, crossing the street during rush hour: is that a good risk, or is that a dumb way to die? Kids never want to fall into the “dumb” category, and we found it was a lighthearted but very effective way to help them think about safety on a daily basis. https://www.dumbwaystodie.com
And yes, our daughter bolted all the time. We started putting a bell on her back when she was a toddler so we knew when she was getting too far away. Hang in there!
@hisvictor I have airtags and a tile. I don't like the airtags. They chirp all the time and they are too small and round
(people get prompted to sound the airtag). Tiles are easy to open but I wrapped them in clear tape in a way that it's going to be very hard to replace the battery. You can press the tile to ring your phone, so you can teach your kid to ring it if in danger when he is old enough. And you can locate and ring it from your phone .
My son bolts and runs very fast, so I am almost resorting to stranger danger or you are never seeing your mom again if you run away, because nothing else seems to work 😂
@hisvictor When it comes to safety I'm less patient. I immediately yell and the millisecond they run, I buckle them into a stroller. No more independence until the next outing. And they cry and hate it and I commiserate and say oh man I wish you could walk too next time you won't run!!

Totally stopped the bolting
@hisvictor My son is like this. Totally fearless, super stubborn and defiant. I’m literally a counselor for children and could write a book on modern parenting technique and I feel like he’s out of control all the time. My nephews and niece are sooo chill and just like….obey. The first time! So my MIL will try to be impartial but it’s obvious to me that she doesn’t like to babysit for very long bc he’s more work. I’m just ranting now but it’s good to know you’re not alone!

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