I almost lost my 4 y.o. Today

@crescenta In that context a lot of the backlash makes more sense. I'm sorry you weren't listened to. It seems different to me today. But maybe my annoyance should be directed at doctors prescribing irresponsibly, rather than people pointing out what happened.
@hisvictor I’m so sorry. But you are a great parent just by how much you are trying and how much you care. If you need advice - and I understand you may not be asking for it so no worries - I started a book called “good inside” by dr Becky and though my kid is very young I really like her logic and coping mechanisms. She speaks to parents of “difficult” or what she calls “deeply feeling” kids specifically
@hisvictor I would suggest multiple tracking devices because it sounds like he might remove them if he thinks they will track him. If he has a favorite stuffy, definitely put one in there. Get AirTags painted like his favorite cartoon character and stick them on his shoes like lace decorations so he thinks they’re just fun accessories and not gps. Put a tile on his backpack, and sew it in, but also get a visible one he thinks is a cool paw patrol keychain or similar. See if there’s a necklace or bracelet he would buy into wearing because he likes it and put a tracker on that. The trick is making them look like something other than what they are and using the multiple trackers as backups in case he removes them
@hisvictor I saw quite a few recommendations for airtag and just wanna say it it not a reliable tracking device since it needs to be around an iPhone device to work. We have them and they don’t work for us since we don’t live in a big busy city. We got trackimo 4G tracking device made specifically for kids/people. They are not small and definitely can put be hidden in a shoes or see into clothes since the battery only lasts a few days. But they are the next tracking device we’ve used with live tracking.
@hisvictor That would make me nuts. You are doing your best, though, and what matters is that you're trying to remedy the situation.

Also, hopefully grandma will keep a closer eye.
@davidcake555 We need to TEACH our children how to live in this world. The world can be a challenging and sometimes dangerous place. We must reach our children that the world will not coddle them. The world will not hesitate to whop their ass. We need to prepare children.
@davidcake555 That’s what it takes sometimes. What is worse? A spanking or what will potentially happen if they run away on their own? I think teaching the kid what is right and wrong with discipline is the correct way to raise a productive human. Then you are resolving the root cause instead of putting a “band aid” on the problem with a tracking device.
@hisvictor I had a similar scare. Was at the beach on a crowded day and lost my toddler. We were eating ice cream together and then she was gone. With the help of some strangers, we tracked her down to the lifeguard. She wanted to go in the ocean. After that we started using AirTags. It gives some comfort when in crowds.
@hisvictor I’m glad little dude is okay! Definitely scary when they act like this. My youngest was a runner (he’s almost 6 now and can be trusted with open spaces) and it was so stressful. I ended up buying a backpack with a leash on it and just constantly held it when I was outside with him.
@hisvictor They sell kids wristbands that can fit an AirTag if you want to go that route. There are also kids watches with GPS capabilities, possibly more accurate than an AirTag.

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