What is the dumbest thing you’ve heard?


New member
I saw this question posted somewhere else and I immediately thought of my POMs gang coz we hear some dumb shit regularly

I’ll go first - I was out with my babies when a man stopped us and asked me if they were twins, I proudly replied yes they are identical when this man looked me dead in my face and asks ArE tHeY bOtH yOuRs? 🥴 ARE THEY BOTH YOURS FFS
@schawinga Oh this is an easy one.

We were traveling and stopped at a Wal-Mart in Missouri to buy diapers. Had both girls in the cart as I was checking out. I shit you not, this actual conversation happened:

Cashier: How far apart are they?

Me: 16 minutes

Cashier: Aw, man. So close. They were almost twins!

Me: ...
@donw1245 I met someone who thought that in order to be twins they had to be born at the same time

Like push both heads out at the same time

She had a son and is a part of a mommy/baby group I go to

Like I mentioned I had twins when a new member joined and this other women pipes up

“Your using that term wrong yours aren’t twins, twins have to be born at the same time please don’t listen to her everyone she has 2 sibling kids not twins”

@donw1245 So they were momo, so definitely “identical”. And born at the same moment. So definitely “real” twins, but the funny thing is that they really don’t look that much alike. There is so much more than genetics than defines “identical”.
@donw1245 This one is obviously hilarious but I think it highlights how little people think about what twins really mean.

A guy friend’s lady partner was pregnant and nervous about birth. I was 2 years into twins. He asked me about my birth experience, etc.. In addition to the real info, I also quipped, “I had a baby and then 10 minutes later, I had another baby.”

After her/their birth experience he came back to me and was like, wtf dude how on earth did you do that?!

@mendicant My twins are 41 minutes apart but… over midnight so they have different birthdays. People do not get it - it’s hilarious and annoying. “How does that happen???” “They can’t be twins then can they?”