What do you class as sleeping through the night?

@sass My definition is close to OP's, but I give leniency for a wake-up within an hour of bedtime or wake up. Our little guy usually sleeps from 7:30-6:30 (and has from about 3 months). His sleep regressions/new skills/teething can be rough, so we try to appreciate the good nights in all of their forms
@sass I think it’s surely age dependent - sleeping through the night for a newborn would be a 6 hour stretch, I would say an older baby it would be around 10 hours which is the minimum their nighttime sleep should be?
@sass My baby sleeps from maybe 10-12pm to 8-10am which I class as sleeping through the night, his wake up time largely depends on when we manage to get him to sleep since he's a fighter 😥
@sass I agree it would be no wake ups. The hours of that are different for each family. For us, it’s usually 830/9pm-730am. No wake ups and no feedings.
@sass I used to think I’d consider it 8-8 pre-baby, but my 5 month old is a great sleeper and does 9-5:30ish then back to sleep until 8 most nights. Yes it’s one wake up but an 8 hour stretch so I say he sleeps through the night (even though we try not to get up at 5:30!)
@sass 6 weeks sleeping when we slept overnight 10pm till 6am. Then eventually she started doing from when she went to sleep around 7 till 5am.

I class sleeping through as when she doesn't need an interaction from me overnight. That she self settles if she wakes that I don't need to tend to her.
@sass My daughter sleeps 10pm to 6am and I say that is through the night. We put her back in her crib after that first feed but that’s really the start of the day.
@sass The definition of how many hours total may vary from person to person. But definitely if they wake up to feed, they are NOT sleeping through the night! not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m just not sure what your friend means haha
@sass Agreed, them waking up to feed means they’re not sleeping through the night 🤣 for me, sleeping through the night means I lay them down at bedtime (8-9pm), and he sleeps until 7 or 8am.
@sass I didn't say my son was sleeping through the night until he consistently slept without needing us from 9ish to 5ish (he struggles with the mornings). So about 8 consecutive hours!
@sass if I can make it to 5 AM with a midnight feeding, that is what I would consider sleeping through and I am counting down the days to get there at nine weeks in
@sass Your friend sounds like she’s speaking from wishful thinking, Lol. Sleeping through the night, to me, is no wake ups from bed time to morning
@sass Whenever my son sleeps 6 hours straight I wake up and I’m like..


Then he sleeps in 1 hour stints for a week
