What do you class as sleeping through the night?

@sass With my first it was once she was sleeping for 5 or more hours in a block, as 5 hours is my minimum for functionality. So when she started having a 10 to 11pm bottle and then would wake up for another anytime from 4, I counted that as sleeping through. She was doing this from about 3 months old.

My second born on the other hand, she is 6 months old, and I consider it a good night if she only wakes up for one bottle. Usually she has a bottle at 6pm, is in bed around 7pm, wakes up at 10 to 11 for another bottle, and then again at 3 or 4. It wouldn't be so bad, except she is the complete opposite of her sister who would fall asleep while having a feed and could be transfered straight to bed. This one is wide awake and ready to party, needs to be sat up so she can self burp otherwise she still might have the occasional spew, and then takes forever to settle. Sometimes over an hour. Has to be deeply asleep to transfer to cot otherwise we start again. Absolutely no self soothing skills.

I go back to work in 3 months, I hope something changes in that time.
@sass I have the same definition to yours— when parents say their child sleeps through the night, I assume they mean that their child sleeps uninterrupted throughout whatever hours the parents designate as “bedtime”. For my son, that’s 8:30pm-7:30am, and he’s at a stage where he’s not waking up for feeds anymore, but he is waking himself up by flipping onto his stomach sometimes🫠🫠

That said, I also know parents whose babies were so colicky and finicky that “sleeping through the night” just meant no split nights.
@sass My baby (6mo) wakes himself up at least twice a night, fusses for no longer than 2 minutes and is back to sleep on his own. At least twice a week he misses a day time bottle for some reason and that results in him walking up once a night for a feed but then is straight back down and sleeps 7/8 hour stretches. I classify that as sleeping through the night even with one wake because of how long his stretches are.
@sass I believe for babies they (pedis and such) say sleeping thru the night is 5-7hrs at a time.

Saying that, I always said my guy slept thru the night even if he woke up to eat because he’d wake to eat and then immediately go back down, he wouldn’t really be awake.
@sass I agree it should definitely be sleeping with no wakes. No feeding or comfort, just conked.

That's why I was always so confused early on with my baby when people ask if she's sleeping through the night. I was like "um well she needs to eat like every 2-3 hours so no."