What do you class as sleeping through the night?

@sass Officially it’s 6+ hours uninterrupted. So if baby goes down at 7 but wakes to feed at 3, they are technically sleeping through the night.

Spiritually however, I think it’s sleeping from bedtime to 5:30 am or later.
@sass i don’t know even when people ask me i’m like well he’s a baby and he sleeps and eats all through out the night but he will go back to sleep easy so yeah he sleeps all through the night but also wakes me up every two hours or so for me to stick a bottle in his face. we bed share.
@sass I was told 6 hour stretches is sleeping through the night but my girl has been doing that since e she was a week old and 12 hours straight at 5 weeks olr
@sass I would say 6hrs or more of uninterrupted sleep is sleeping through the night.

I’m normally in bed by 8 with him, and generally get woken up around 3. But I’m out of bed by 4 to get ready for work.
@sass Yeah it irrationally bothers me when someone says their baby sleeps through the night with just x feeds! I consider it sleeping through the night if I’M sleeping through the night too lol. Otherwise it’s maybe just “long stretches”
@sass I define it as I got to sleep through the night (10 p.m. to 5/5:30 a.m).

The gold standard is when he doesn’t need anything until 6/6:30 though, so I get a little solo time in the morning.
@sass Fully sleeping through the night is put her down at 7, and she doesn’t wake us before 6 am. Otherwise, it’s “1 feed, 2 feeds, etc.”.

When she was younger & feeds were inevitable, we may have considered STTN as sleeping an 8 hour stretch so that we could wake naturally.
@sass I’d say sleeping through the night is at least a 7 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. Considering that my baby isn’t night weaned and usually sleeps 11-12 hours a night, that means at least one bottle after 7-9 hours and then back down in under 45 min (from wake to feed to back to sleep) for another 3-5 hours.
@sass If he wakes up anytime after 4 am counts as sleeping through the night in my book. I will get up for the day at that point. My 3 month old usually does around 9pm - 5:00 or 6:00am
@sass When my infant slept from 11-5 for the first time I considered that sleeping through the night. My toddler I consider sleeping through the night if he doesn’t wake before 6:30.
@sass My son has never slept through the night and he’s 3. He wakes up and demands to know where everyone is once or twice every single night. It’s a brief wake up and he doesn’t eat, but it’s still a wake up that wakes me up. My daughter on the other hand, goes to bed around 9 or 10 and sleeps until 4-7am with no real wake ups (might briefly babble for a minute here and there). She’s 5 months and EBF so I’m very thankful for her.
@sass I would say sleeping from bedtime (around 7pm) until morning (at least 6am). So a full 11-12 hour stretch.

I agree that they’re not sleeping through the night if you have to keep getting up multiple times to feed them - the point of wanting a baby to sleep through the night is because it allows you to sleep through the night too. You cant do that if you have to get up every few hours to feed them. If you count having multiple wakeups as sleeping through the night (as long as all they do is eat), then many babies sleep through the night within the first month or two.
@sass I consider my son’s 6-7 hour stretch sleeping through the night! He usually goes to bed at 11-12 (he refuses an earlier bedtime) and wakes up to feed once before going back down. I’ve read “sleeping through the night” means that night feeds are short and the baby goes back to sleep afterwards.