What do you class as sleeping through the night?

@sass I class it as 8+ hours straight, my baby goes about 9-10 hours without a feed at night which gets me a full night sleep. I think he does wake a little in the early hours but he doesn't need soothing and doesn't wake me for milk

Also don't feel negative or compare too much! My son is only 3 months and is sleeping through but there will be a regression coming up and I'm sure he will be asking for night feeds again during that 😂
@sass Sleeping through the night to me is not waking up and needing me until at least 5:30/6 am. If they wake up they will put themselves back to sleep until then most nights
@sass For me its without waking to feed. That being said most people define it like your friend which is funny to me because according to that definition my baby has been sleeping through the night since she was 10 days old.
@sass My baby boy, he is 7 months (but he’s been doing this since 5 months):

He sleeps from 7-7:30pm to 6:30-7am but we dream feed him at 11-11.30pm that’s the only way he can go from 11-11.30 to 6:30-7 without waking up… for me that’s sleeping through the night.
@sass Even though he goes down at 830pm he always wakes for a feed at midnight when we go to bed so if he woke for that but still slept through until 730am isw consider that through the night
@sass I’ve said sleeping through the night is only with one wake up at night. My son sleeps from 8pm til 7pm but he wakes up around 4 for a bottle. Since his sleep time is so long I consider that sleeping through the night.
@sass I think what your friend means is that the baby wakes up twice, eats and goes right back to sleep in 20 minutes or less.
I could understand this bc when my baby finally did this I also considered it a full nights sleep. in comparison to constantly waking up to a crying screaming baby, who doesn’t eat right away and is inconsolable when your trying to get them back to sleep. This eats up all your sleeping time, so 2 easy feeds is definitely a step up.
@sass My 6 month old wakes 5-6 times a night to eat 😵‍💫So if he only wakes twice, I’d call that a huge win comparable to sleeping through the night.
@sass I think “technically” it refers to 8 hours straight of sleep. Practically my kid wasn’t regularly sleeping 7:30pm-7:00am until after she was a year old. But she was sleeping 7:30pm-3:30ish and then 3:30-6:30ish most nights by around 9 months and tbh that was totally fine for me.
@sass My son sleeps 9:00 to about 7-8:30 with no wake ups for most nights. Sometimes he will wake up a little earlier and I have found its usually because he's cold but I always offer a feed just in case. He always takes the feed lmao. But sleeping through the night for me is him sleeping for 7-8 hours uninterrupted. He is 4 months old tomorrow.
@sass The nights my baby sleeps uninterrupted from 11pm to 5am is sleeping through the night for me. It happens sometimes but most days she will wake up at 4am for a 5min feed to go back to sleep again.
@sass My baby used to sleep through the night - 12 hrs straight uninterrupted sleep.
Now at 6.5 months she needs two night feeds. I definitely don’t consider that sleeping through the night. I’m hoping she goes back to uninterrupted sleep.
And she only wakes to eat and goes straight back to sleep, but that’s not sleeping all night
@sass People who claim multiple feeds sell count as sleeping through the night are either deluded or just trying to find something to brag about. My son did 12-13 hours uninterrupted and that was a dream. My daughter does 1 it 2 feedings and at 17 months I am fully over it
@sass No idea how someone could classify it as sleeping through the night if their baby is getting up to feed? No shade, I just don’t understand the logic. If they are up they’re up. To me, sleeping through the night would be from when you put them down at night, to when they wake up in the morning (after 6am) with no feeds in between.
@sass I guess I always considered sleeping through the night to be sleeping while I sleep? So if she went to bed around 8 but woke up at 11 to eat and I was still awake, I wouldn’t really count it, now that we’re in the back to work/daycare grind though, i consider it sleeping through the night once she goes to bed officially, so like 8-6 am which thank god she does most of the time 🙌🏻
@sass For me it would be 7pm- 7am, no parental intervention needed. My baby has managed this about 3 times when she was nine months old, but has yet to repeat the trick (she’s 12 months now)