What are your best mind blowers for kids under 5?

@mbinks89 I love these! I call it "Mommy Magic" and do the same thing. Once I told them that I had sneezed while I was cooking and changed all the color of their food. I had used food coloring to dye the mashed potatoes blue, turned their milk pink, that sort of thing.

Daily it was simple stuff, like holding the garage remote in my hand and saying the magic word or snapping, watching the other red light to make mine turn, getting the notice from the ring camera and telling them who is at the door before there's even a knock.

You sound like a fun dad!
@mbinks89 Got a friend that's missing a thumb so he did the detachable thumb thing to a bunch of 10 year Olds. When they called his "obviously fake trick" he opened his hands. It was hilarious. Kids freaked.
@mbinks89 Holding the door open with the Force (my boot) and making a big show with my hands and struggling to keep it open, so they hurry and don't pay too much attention to my foot placement. Lol I love that one
@mbinks89 Glass, napkin and coin. Twist napkin around glass, have kiddo look at the date on the coin, slide glass into lap while they aren’t looking, put coin under napkin form, slap hand down - magic!
@mbinks89 Pull up to a traffic light where there is a cross walk sign - once you pick up on the time lag between the parallel crosswalk opening and your light turning green, you can hit a a magic countdown with the lights! Still fooling my preteen with this one :)