What are your best mind blowers for kids under 5?

@mbinks89 Get some "loops by yigal mesika" from Amazon. Super thin elastic that's basically invisible. You can lift dollar bills and move forks around on a table, there's all kinds of little tricks that will blow kids minds.
@mbinks89 If you have power windows in your car, tell them you're using your super brain power to control the window. Put your finger up to your temple, and make a face like you're focusing really hard. Make the "zzzshhhh" noise or say something like, "WINDOW, DOWN!" Then roll the window down.

You can make this really fun by telling them if they focus hard enough, they can do it too. Then just press it a little at a time so they can feel the power too!
@adkp My kids didn’t know my steering wheel had volume/skip buttons on the reverse side. I informed them that a gremlin lived in my car and was doing it.

When they were probably 3yo I tried convincing them it was raining upside down using the washer fluid, I borrowed this one from my dad.
@mbinks89 I just told my son the “banana…banana…banana…orange” knock-knock joke (if you know you know) and he thought it was the MOST HILARIOUS thing he’d ever heard. He’s been repeating the joke to every relative since.
@mbinks89 Hide a Bluetooth speaker and use your phone and a soundboard website. I use this trick for lots of stuff. Ie. Your kid draws a picture of a dragon? Oh no, that dragon just came so life and is roaring. We have to wait until we hear it snoring to sneak by and get the treasure etc

Colour changing smart bulbs (or really any smart device) are good for when your kid is in the magic/with/wizard phase.
@mbinks89 with well fitting clthes, going out of the room and coming back in with pants over head, arms sticking out the pant legs, and a shirt over your legs and TUCKED IN otherwise it wont stay up. "ahh what happened to me im upside down" always makes em laugh
@mbinks89 Invisible Ball Trick. Toss a ball up in the air a few times and catch it behind or below something out of sight (I do it while the kiddo is in the bathtub). After catching and tossing it a few times, drop the ball out of sight, but keep raising your hand like you're tossing and catching the now "invisible" ball. Grab the ball and toss it again to make it "reappear". My kid thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.