Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

  1. Different stuff each day, for me. I pick up clothes/towels either as I see them throughout the day or at the end of the day and put them in their respective hampers. One day is towels, next day is baby stuff, next day is mine, next day is my husband, next day is delicates, next day is sheets. One load per day is way more manageable than having one or two days where you’re washing/drying/folding everything in the house.
  2. My husband does his own laundry THANK GOD.
  3. I start the laundry in the afternoon so that it’s in the dryer as our day ends. Then I fold after my son is in bed. Unfortunately for all of us, taking things out of the dryer and folding/hanging them will continue to be the worst until the end of time. But I’ve found that it helps to do it after I’ve taken off my mom hat for the day and before I start relaxing.
@kolox For #2 same for me and it’s so helpful. His clothes are the nicest cause he actually like sees people. So I was always scared to mess them up.
@ava1453 5/7 days yeah. I prefer it that way because it means it can be a background task instead of an entire day. Plus my husband handles remaking the beds on sheet day and will fold towels if he notices they’re done before I do.
@ava1453 It’s honestly way more manageable! I used to have an in-unit washer/dryer at our old apartment and I would do this everyday. It takes 5-10 mins to hang up a few shirts. Now that I have to go to the laundromat, it takes me 3-4 hours a week to get through everything. I hate it.
@ava1453 Yeah I pretty much do a mental check in daily and ask myself when I have a free moment if there is laundry that needs done. My washer usually runs once a day, but on the days I can't think of anything that needs washed it's awesome. The only thing on a set schedule in my house is bedsheets, once a week. Everything else is just whenever a basket get full. My husband is entirely responsible for his own laundry, but I do keep two baskets in the laundry room, one for sorting whites into(aka towels/wash cloths) and one for any random color clothes that end up laying around. Otherwise, me, my husband, and toddler have our own baskets and I expect 99% of our dirty clothes to land there. Other stuff like pillows, throw blankets, dog bedding is all just when I'm like ehh that needs washed. Usually, about once a month, but could be twice in a week if toddler is sick and wiping snot across the house. Usually, things get folded and put away later that same day or the very next morning to avoid being overwhelmed by an eventual clean laundry mountain.
@ava1453 There’s less of it if you do it every day! I don’t do every day but on average every two or three days. It takes usually 15–25 minutes to fold and put away everything; 40 minutes if it’s four days’ worth. We’re a family of four, and the kids are 3 and 6. I actually like laundry. If it’s a big load to fold then I put on a podcast and listen to something as I fold.
@ava1453 I wash everything on Mondays. I big load of everyone’s clothes, a load of towels, and a load of sheets. Then fold on Tuesdays (or Wednesday… or Thursday 😂) but at least it’s clean!
@ava1453 So I take all the laundry baskets downstairs (we have one basket of adult clothes and one of kids clothes), dump them all together in one load, dry them, and then when I take them out of the dryer, I separate them back into their baskets. So the basket stays next to the washer until it’s ready to be taken back upstairs.
@ava1453 I do not fold clothes. My undies and socks get thrown in a drawer and everything else gets hung up. Kids clothes are all put in drawers. I spend half a day once a week doing two loads. I have never understood why people fold all their clothes.
@ava1453 I have no tips. Just wanna add in here that I also fucking hate laundry and it’s the bane of my existence as well. I don’t mind throwing everything in the washer and dryer.

But the folding and putting away everyone’s clothes? Fuck. That. I. Hate. It.
@ava1453 Once a week, I text a local lady who is a laundry magician. She picks it up, washes it, dries it, folds it, and delivers it back within 36 hours or so. I pay her $1/ lb.

It’s about $50 a week for a family of three and two dogs and worth every penny.

I found her on the Poplin app, and after several great washes I asked if she wanted to go off the app with me paying the same amount- cutting out the middleman so she could make a little more $, which she was super happy about!

It’s a good routine. She’s way, way better at laundry than I am.
@ava1453 I recommend the app, even if it’s not weekly. sending out a couple big baskets to get caught up is well worth it.

I can’t do it myself. I do other things to save us $ to be able to swing it.
@ava1453 Everyone has a basket in their room for basic clothes that are moderately dirty. In the hall bathroom we have a decrepit old wicker basket that’s missing a handle and has seen some shit since it was a baby shower gift for my first. That one is for the dinner napkins, cleaning cloths, towels, or anything that needs to be washed sooner rather than later (sports wear, soiled or stained clothes, yard work clothes). I do laundry constantly, daily. I fold nightly as I watch tv and movies and chat with my hubs. Sometimes I take a night off and do double time the next. Every now and again, when the stars align just right, I have a night with little to no laundry to fold or transfer or anything. I usually feel really weird and imagine all the other things I could do, like that knitting project from when I was pregnant with my first child 9 years ago…. But I end up vegging out on my phone or something instead. Laundry and dishes run my life.

Edit to say I do all the towels every Monday. But other than that no set schedule. It’s just a constant