Trying for a baby while being plus size

@marko959 I was over 300 pounds when I conceived and had a healthy pregnancy with no complications and a straight forward delivery. The doctors are awful here, throughout my entire pregnancy I was told that I would likely develop GD that it was likely I would get pre clampsia.. at every appointment I was told how risky my birth/labor was going to be and that I had to prepare for the worst. If you have the means, get a second opinion. Ovulation tracking really helped for us as well. Good luck ❤️
@marko959 How long have you been trying? I have semi irregular cycles and it took me a few months to figure out when I was most likely ovulating(and still contribute my success to trying daily for a week around when I was pretty sure i was ovulating). I'm just over 5'2" and conceived at 225lb. The month before concieving, I went to the Dr to confirm I wasn't having any medical reasons for my lack of success over about 5 months. They ran some blood tests confirming my thyroid was functioning properly and had it taken a few more months my dr suggested looking into a PCOS diagnosis. Luckily, we successfully conceived the following month(I'm now 21 weeks). If possible, I'd find a dr that's more open-minded, but truthfully, it usually takes more than a couple months to conceive, so don't get discouraged.
@marko959 This is bs! I'm sorry your doctor is saying this is your fault. I started my current pregnancy at the exact same height and weight as you. It took 4 months to conceive and I have had a completely healthy pregnancy so far at 24 weeks.
@marko959 I’m 5’4 and 270# and preggo. Didn’t think I could but surprise! Can you request a hormone study to see what your levels are doing and see if you need to add in supplements or anything? I had super low progesterone and insulin resistance and my doc got me on several things that I believe helped. Hopefully you can find another doctor!
@marko959 Dude, I got pregnant at 260lbs. Just passed 6 months, and baby is healthy.

If you have and major stressors, that could contribute but it’s not weight. I tracked my cycles for ovulation.

DEFINITELY try to get a second opinion if you can.
@marko959 It is entirely possible to conceive, I myself am 5’ 3” and weighted 285lbs when I got pregnant. Sometimes it just takes some time, get ovulation kits and make sure he’s obstaining for up to three days before you ovulate so it’s more potent.
I’m sorry your doctor is saying things like that, many plus size women have babies all the time
@marko959 You need a new doctor. I got pregnant at a much higher weight and the same height naturally. I even have a blocked fallopian tube so my chances are lower than the average person.
@marko959 You're my exact height and weight and I am pregnant for my 3rd time (2nd was a chemical). You need a better doctor. Weight can definitely be a factor but it isn't THE factor. I highly recommend you get the book It begins with the egg. It explains everything you need to know about conceiving and natural thungs to help our bodies and why it does. I'm not a holistic person BUT I know our environment and what we put in our bodies matter and this book explains everything and it isn't crazy changes. Just know that your doctor is ridiculous for saying your weight is the reason foe not being able to concieve.
@marko959 Wow what… I’m 240 and had little issues conceiving. I experienced an MC as well in the beginning of TTC but after that we didn’t have many issues. Find a new doctor. I have never ever been shamed for my weight while being pregnant and I’m 21 weeks now….
@marko959 190lbs is not even that big… I’m 5’0 and was in the best shape of my life at 190lbs!

I was 330lbs when I conceived and am currently 22 weeks pregnant with a healthy little girl. No health issues with myself so far, either.

Simply put… Your doctor is trash.
@marko959 I would look up the mucinex/mucinex DM method to get pregnant. I am 400lbs and 5’2 diagnosed with PCOS and 31 weeks pregnant. Me and my partner have tried for a little under 1.5 years to get pregnant and we finally are. It was shortly after I was really sick and took some mucinex that I was really fertile and upon looking it up many women have used that as a method to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Sending mommy dust and positivity your way.
@marko959 I am 5’ 10” and a muscular 250lbs. I also have a history of ovarian cysts. My doctor told me I would never conceive due to my “obesity”. My blood pressure, labs and everything else was normal.

After seven months of TTC, I got pregnant! That same doctor told me I shouldn’t gain weight, maximum ten pounds. I switched doctors at 20 weeks and never looked back!

If you are looking for ways to track fertility, I used the ClearBlue monitor, TempDrop and Fertility Friend app.

Please don’t lose hope! ❤️
@marko959 Even my fertility doctor didn't tell me it's because of my weight. I'm 5'2 and about 240....

Weight was only mentioned,if I wanted to be healthier myself, but it was never the reason we couldn't get pregnant.

I hate DRS that just say, oh your overweight, lose weight and it'll work.
@marko959 I'm the same height and weight as you but probably much older, 41 now and will be 42 when I deliver. I'm 12 weeks now and have 2 boys, I was overweight for every pregnancy. I'm sorry your Dr said that, find someone who will treat you with kindness and respect.