Trying for a baby while being plus size

@marko959 Weight loss does not appear to have an effect on fertility, with the possible exception of women with PCOS (and even then the science is strange--an increase in pregnancies but not live births, eg). Additionally, it's entirely possible that the slight lowered fertility seen in heavier women is a function of the high rate of PCOS (which itself causes weight gain) in the population and thus may not apply to you if you don't have it.

How long have you been trying? It's considered normal for it to take up to a year even for couples in "textbook" health. If your scans and tests are normal, you may simply need time (personally: I went through a fertility clinic since I'm in a same-sex couple. It took us 10 tries and two miscarriages to conceive our current 38-week pregnancy, and the reproductive endocrinologist considered this unlucky but still within the bounds of perfectly normal). There's not a whole lot you can do to improve fertility: there's a slew of different programs that different people swear by, but they all contradict each other and seem to work for some people and not others. The most basic advice--eat a varied diet, get some exercise, and make sure your husband isn't overheating his balls--is probably the best.

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