Trying for a baby while being plus size

@marko959 It's not that small .. and u only need a little bit and u insert it in urself about 15 mins before šŸ˜ I used to do it while hubby slept then woke him up haha
@marko959 Well, Iā€™m shorter than you and conceived at 220 so you donā€™t need to drop 70 pounds before itā€™s possible. Your weight is not the issue.
@marko959 Nope. Not true. I got pregnant after 3mos of trying and was much heavier than that. I donā€™t see anyone has answered things to help, so Iā€™ll speak to that. The best thing you can do is track ovulation. Get a bulk pack of ovulation strips from amazon and start tracking your cycles more accurately. We used easy@home brand with the pre mom app. You dip the strip in pee and the take a picture and it will track and predict when to ovulate. Have sex every other day during the window and make sure you partner isnā€™t um, otherwise pleasuring himself that window. If you want to be extra, you can get a BBT thermometer and track that in the app too (I got the Bluetooth one bc youā€™re supposed to do it before getting out of bed right after waking and I was too sleepy to remember the number and the Bluetooth just auto recorded it for me).

Also, know that even if you do everything correctly in terms of timing, itā€™s still only like a one in three chance you will get pregnant each cycle. So sometimes it just takes time. Thatā€™s why they usually want you to try for a year before doing fertility treatment.

Iā€™m also in my 30s so between my age and weight I was super scared I couldnā€™t get pregnant. So I started tracking everything right away, thinking that when I eventually had to meet with a fertility specialist Iā€™d be armed with all the data so they couldnā€™t dismiss me. But then I got pregnant on the 3rd go, so all my worries were unfounded.
@karmel I second tracking ovulation or at least looking for signs of ovulation near your fertile window (e.g., egg white-like discharge). My partner and I had been trying for a few months and I was starting to get nervous that I wasnā€™t getting pregnant. When I looked for signs of ovulation, I realized I was ovulating earlier in my cycle than most people. When we tried the next month, I got pregnant.

I also want to add that I spoke to my OBGYN prior to trying to conceive and she didnā€™t say anything about my weight. She told me that we should try for a year before becoming concerned (obviously I got nervous before that šŸ¤Ŗ). I am over 30 and my BMI is significantly higher than yourā€™s. Give it time and track your ovulation if needed.
@marko959 Iā€™m 5ā€™5 and 220lbs and I conceived. Donā€™t listen to the Dr. about weight. If you are healthy and so is your partner, you will get pregnant šŸ’™
@marko959 I had a doctor say i shouldnt be ttc because im overweight and would gain more weight. I fell pregnant a month later, started seeing a different GP who was nothing but helpful. I had pcos and insulin resistance plus being over 35 was high risk but had a pretty standard pregnancy. I also lost like 12kg while pregnant

In the months before getting pregnant id started taking inositol for my pcos stuff but had been looking into how diet affects fertility and was going to see a dietician that specialized in that
@marko959 I am your exact height and actually weighed a little MORE than you when I got pregnant.

Baby is a little on the small side, but otherwise healthy and I have had no unusual issues so far going into the third trimester. My doctors watch me a little more closely because my BMI is statistically a risk factor, but I am going to have to at least anecdotally say it is possible for you to get pregnant at your size. šŸ™‚

The original OB before I got pregnant said if it took more than a year (I am in my 30s so she said to give it longer), THEN she would discuss infertility stuff.
@marko959 Hi there! I really appreciate you sharing this and am so sorry your doctor responded this way. I was around ~180 lbs and 5ā€™4ā€ when starting our process (and my BMI was already over 30). I went to a fertility center and my doctor, a reproductive endocrinologist, advised the opposite. She told me to not worry about my weight, and that they wouldnā€™t let me consider different treatment options if I wasnā€™t healthy.

I share all this to say: health is a spectrum. If your insurance and sanity allow it, please either get a second opinion or visit a fertility center. I was diagnosed with unexplainable infertility (after having normal periods, regular ovulation, etc.)ā€”it helped to have supportive medical intervention. Iā€™m not out of the dark yet, but I also know I wouldā€™ve continued to spiral if I didnā€™t find any medical support.

Be kind to yourself. Your body is about to navigate another incredible journey. Donā€™t be afraid to seek another opinion or visit a trusting fertility center near you (or work with a reproductive endocrinologist). Good luck šŸ§æ
I should also add: treatments can include medicine that contributes to weight gain. To lose 70 lbs to get pregnant isnā€™t sound medical adviceā€”but it is important for you to FEEL your best mentally when navigating this. I have gained over 20 lbs since starting treatments. Itā€™s not fun, but itā€™s also POSSIBLE in having your miracle. I believe in you!
@marko959 Ya that sucks and your doctor sucks. If you had to be tiny to get pregnant, there would be a lot less babies.. I was 220 and 5ā€™-4 the whole we were trying and my pre-conception counseling session with a midwife said my age will probably be the only factor in it taking longer. It took a little under a year. Iā€™m 36.
@marko959 Iā€™m 5ā€™2 and weighed 200 pounds and I was 34 when I got pregnant. It was a twin pregnancy and ended in a missed miscarriage. I then got pregnant again at 35 at 206 pounds. Iā€™m currently 22 weeks and everything so far is good. My weight never came up. I did work with a fertility naturopath, went on supplements, daily walks and tried to eat healthy, prioritize protein. I would say, find a new doctor.
@marko959 Time for a new doctor! I was around your size, maybe +10 lbs when I conceived last May. My baby is the healthiest baby and my pregnancy was an easy one compared to what "could" have been due to weight. AKA, no GD, no hypertension, normal weight gain.
@marko959 I got pregnant at 430 on our third try! Find a plus friendly provider. I did loose some weight before trying but was still heavier than you by a long shot.
@phillipk Yes! I got pregnant at 420lbs and my pregnancy has been going so well. Iā€™m currently 31 weeks and sheā€™s doing good and health baby