Trying for a baby while being plus size


New member
Hi everyone to keep this short and sweet, I am 190lbs and 5”2

My doctor told me the reason I could not conceive is due to my weight, me and my partner have only been trying for a short time and I have advised that I have had pregnancies (miscarriages) when I was slimmer, but she told me I would not conceive due to my weight and I need weight 126lbs

I have had scans and blood test done other than a slightly swollen ovary on my right hand side. Everything else is fine and I do not have any fertility issues. I also have regular periods. Is there anything I can do to increase my fertility or help me get pregnant?
@marko959 Ugh! That is so frustrating. I hope you know that weight alone is not at all a reason why people have trouble conceiving. Doctors can be so hard to work with ☹️

Have you tried using ovulation strips to make sure you’re having sex at optimal times? I would absolutely start there, and maybe stick with that for about 6 months before moving on to other things to try.
@marko959 I’m in the UK and wtf?! The most feedback I ever got on weight was regarding blood thinners, extra scans, etc. I’d lodge complaints if my GP were to give me blatantly false information like that and I’m shocked you’ve had multiple lie to you. Unreal.
@taylors This. It’s a cop out from a lazy doctor in my opinion. From what I’ve heard, many places will not do IVF with a BMI above 40 but up to that point a good doctor will still try and evaluate and treat fertility issues. Especially considering that one of the leading causes of female infertility is PCOS, and a very common symptom of PCOS is excess weight.
@marko959 That's funny because this page is full of overweight and obese women who were able to get pregnant.

Your doctor sounds entirely unhelpful and I'd consider finding a new one.
@marko959 I’m also in the UK and I had a gyno help me get pregnant at 290lbs with a messed up uterus and PCOS. Your doctor sucks and you should definitely get another opinion or ask for a referral to your local hospital about the enlarged ovary and history of miscarriages.

I will say you have to be trying for a year before the NHS will step in unless you have a known complication. So that could cause a small delay.

But seriously, not all doctors will blame your weight. In fact, not a single doctor in the last year and a half of my reproductive mess/trying to get pregnant OR since my pregnancy has said anything about my weight.
@marko959 Has your partner been tested? I went through so much invasive testing and self-doubt before a semen analysis revealed that my average BMI perfectly healthy husband has an extremely low sperm count and that the sperm that are there have a bad sense of direction.

We ended up doing IVF. I produced a ton of healthy eggs, first transfer was successful, and I’m now 26 weeks pregnant. I really wish we’d tested him earlier. Would have saved so much time, money, and heartbreak.
@marko959 This doctor is so wrong. Heavier women have conceived and had healthy pregnancies. Being thinner doesn’t guarantee a perfect outcome. I’ve had a similar experience when I consulted a fertility doctor who said nothing would work unless I lost weight. Found out I was pregnant two months later
@marko959 Of course!! I hate the god complex some of these doctors have, and especially when it comes to “allowing” plus size women to have babies… being plus size doesn’t mean we’re all eating fast food all day… I had felt very judged despite leading a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy the vast majority of the time and exercising regularly. Fuck these doctors that judge instead of helping us achieve our dreams for our families and our health.
@marko959 I was not only bigger than you at conception but I’m probably older (42). I’ve conceived multiple times while fat. You know when I DIDN’T conceive? When I was at or near a normal weight. I went like 5 years of unprotected sex with out so much as a late period. When I got fat again I conceived again. Doctors like to throw weight out there like its the cause of everything bad that happens because it’s easier for them than understanding an actual problem.
@marko959 Please find a new doctor! This biased bullshit. While weight can be a factor, it’s rarely the reason you can’t conceive.

I was 194 when I conceived and I’m 5’1. Are you using ovulation strips to track your ovulation?
@marko959 If you lived closed to me I would have sent you mine haha
I have like 50 left because I thought it would take much longer to conceive 😅 and I don’t know what to do with them!

Best of luck, hopefully it will work for you too 🤞
@marko959 Get a new doctor. I'm 300+ lbs and I'm 32 weeks pregnant.. it is a lil harder for plus size to get pregnant but most can do it with no problems.. also make sure to track ovulation and u can always try a fertility lubricant.. I used pre-seed and that's what finally helped me after years of not being able to. I got pregnant on my second try
@sg1371 I have seen pre seed online and it looks like it’s on a tiny bottle, do you just put it on him or is it in me? Tmi I know but just wondering how to use it 😅

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