Trip Report: First international trip (Canada to Portugal) with our 5-year-old only

@matteus We are taking our 1 yr old on the annual 5 day lake trip and this makes me feel better even though our babes have a large age gap lol! It is so important to remember their age and interests and take them into account. You guys did a great job.
@matteus I took my only 12 YO to London for spring break. We had a ball. Best part was going through the e-gates for passport control since she was 12+. Traveling with one kid is awesome.
@matteus Thank you so much for all the details! Ours is about to turn 3 and while he’s not ready for big travel yet it is seeming to become more feasible. I’ve been hoping to do a big trip when he’s 4 or 5. It sounds doable if you manage your expectations!