Tired of “words I can’t pronounce”

@godsson1988 I don’t think theres any regulation on reporting the size of the oxide particulates in sunscreen so there’s no way to know unless they voluntarily publish it unfortunately. The nanoscale size might not be a huge deal - even at that small size it’s still pretty hard to penetrate the skin, the larger concern is ingestion or unintentional absorption through eyes or skin abrasions. I personally would buy and use.
@james700 Good point. I’ve been getting that because unfortunately a $20/oz sunscreen I know I’m going to subconsciously use it more sparingly which kinda defeats the purpose. Like for an adult you need to use one ounce for your entire body. If I go to the beach and have to apply 2-3 times that’s $60 per person in sunscreen… not in the budget

I always prefer to avoid sun as the first line of defense (shade, hat, uv clothing with long sleeves) but of course that’s not always possible
@genxjeff Mine isn't here (soon) but end of year will be summer and they will 6 months old by then.

Turns out Blue Lizard was an aussie brand but now is American. So if it was designed for aussie sun, and is recommend by dermatologists/your kid's doc... I trust it more than not using anything. (Still have to do more research myself, just found Blue Lizard's website)
@genxjeff Isn’t it more of a test of decoding skills than healthy ingredients?! I can pronounce a lot of those chemicals that are not good for us. Kind of just shows that those people can’t read big words 😅.
@genxjeff If you want to be able to clap back with something, I really like labmuffin for science-based beauty content. She has a chemistry PhD and she does in depth videos and digs into studies about ingredients. Here's all her sunscreen content: https://labmuffin.com/?s=sunscreen and here's one about the usual chemical* sunscreen ingredients: https://labmuffin.com/more-sunscreens-in-your-blood-the-new-fda-study/

(also, is pronouncing avobenzone / oxybenzone / octocrylene / homosalate / octisalate / octinoxate that difficult ... ???)

*in contrast to "mineral" ie zinc oxide and titanium dioxide sunscreen, not as a perjorative.
@genxjeff Oh boy. Come work in a pharmacy! No one can pronounce anything they take, and I understand many of them are quite difficult. But it’s pretty easy to souuuund it outttt for a lot of them. And at least get all the letters in the right order.