I’m tired

@eaglehaze Oh for sure, I really miss when I could just be the night owl I am without consequence or guilt. Spend time on my games or just go grocery shopping without it feeling like we're leaving for a week with bags & supplies & struggling with car seats etc. Etc.

I also work as a nurse, so I literally cannot stand when someone thinks I'd enjoy the time away from home while I'm at work 😅 because no, I take care of people there amd take care of them at home except at work it's even more stressful.
@eaglehaze I actually dream about being in another country and loving life, living like I did in my 20s… then I wake up to the twins babbling in the morning. Not a bad way to wake up but boy, what I wouldn’t give to just not have to get up on the weekends!!
@eaglehaze I'm 9 months in and it has gotten better, but I still feel this way at least a couple times a week. I envision driving off into the sunset and starting a new life. But... then my babies smile at me. That helps.
@eaglehaze Absolutely!

I just went on a trip with a bunch of friends to an adults only all inclusive resort in Mexico. It really was the break I needed. Came back so refreshed and energized.
@eaglehaze 9 times out of 10 this is what I actually WANT to say when people ask me “So how are you doing mom?? Hanging in there?!”

Yes, by a thread, but yes.
And what actually comes out is usually “Yeah I’m good, they’re much better and we’re getting more sleep now finally” even though sleep is still as scarce as ever with teething 11 month olds.

Don’t know why I feel the need to lie to people when they ask how I’m doing, I guess because I feel like no one actually wants to know how much of a struggle it is to be a parent of multiples? They really just wanna admire the cute little matching faces of your twins and then be on their merry way.

Point is we feel you! You’re definitely not alone. We’re a very very tired yet resilient army.